A take home for me is this: But if you’re the type who wants reform instead of permanent culture war, you’re going to need liberals to pivot.”

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That article on Chloe Cole is demented. How does one arrive at the conclusion that a young girl who was irreversibly medically harmed is the ideologue with an agenda in that situation, as opposed to the people involved in facilitating it? Oh yeah, it’s gender world, where everything is exactly the opposite of what is being claimed.

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FYI I listened to the Vice President’s speech to the teacher’s union, and she focused on the gay part of “don’t say gay” laws; she made no mention of anything transgender.

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I was listening to Liz Dye's dissection of Project 2025 which, by her lights, is centered around an anti-trans (porn) narrative. It occurs to me that, if true, this is a canny ploy to get liberals rallying to the trans cause. They are betting that our knee-jerk response will highlight the support they know will be our undoing in middle America. Just as Trump was undone by Biden's departure, so would a move away from trans rights subtract a vital talking point and stanch the flow of good people away from progressive politics. A Sister Souljah moment is in order.

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Suggested edit for the headline "GLAD and ACLU-NH Denounce Harmful Bills Targeting LGBTQ+ Youth Signed by Governor Sununu" - "GLAD and ACLU-NH Denounce Harmful Bills Targeting L̶G̶B̶T̶Q̶ t̲r̲a̲n̲s̲s̲e̲x̲u̲a̲l̲ Youth Signed by Governor Sununu". In other words, quit acquiescing in the corruption of the English language. In particular, insist gay is not trans, trans is not gay. That confusion is exactly what the quacks and fetishists are using to hoodwink the kids. And refuse the euphemism "gender affirming" and similar expressions. It's sex change the kids are imagining and what the quacks are really offering albeit with plausible deniability.

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"Hulking [males]take gold, silver and bronze spots on female podium at Washington cycling championship."

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The Moms 4 Liberty injunction… really? What’s this all about?

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