I'd send it, minus the last paragraph. (It's a fine paragraph, but you don't need it, IMO, to make a strong point. And the point is strong enough that it SHOULD be made)

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Thanks for the suggestion! You're right. Don't need it. I'll let you know if I send it. For now, I got it off my chest!

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It's being sexist to assume a girl or boy has certain color or style preferences just because of their sex. They shouldn't be sending this sexist message to any kid. I don't want my son being told he's abnormal if he likes pink?! I mean, what is this besides reinforcing current cultural stereotypes and how is this in any way sending a message of healthy diversity and acceptance? It's not.

And yes, they'd better know your daughter's biology. Her cells don't care what her haircut and choice of hobbies signals to other people's minds in our particular society in 2022.

(Her stress levels might respond to it, that's where she's lucky to have a mom like you!)

Thank you for yet another insightful essay!

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And yes: " people only wage personal attacks when the message itself is difficult to deny."

Nailed it.

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