When my (minor) child was in the thick of being harmed by the mental healthcare system’s capture which resulted in her not getting the appropriate mental healthcare she so desperately needed because all they could focus on was her “gender identity,” my husband and I stayed calm and reasonable. We talked with all the professionals in the psychiatric hospitals that were working with her with respect. We told them we were trying to work with them as a team, to support them supporting her. Her private therapist tried to reach out in writing and in calls to help them understand and support her properly. We were clear that we were not asking them to change how they treated other patients. All we were asking was for them to look at her individual case, her individual medical and mental health history, to see how her belief in being trans wasn’t even stable or consistent, and that affirming and encouraging transition during mental health crises was making things worse and creating obstacles to care and recovery. We have it documented in her records that they refused, they lied to us, that they continued after we told them to stop, that they hid things from us. No amount of kindness, rationality, or middle way worked.

We are (were?) liberals, always voting blue. During all this, I did not support laws banning medical transition of minors. I didn’t like the way republicans and conservatives were talking about or acting on this issue.

Now we are on the other side of this. My daughter desisted and is highly critical of the ideology. We are all dealing with various levels of mental, physical, and financial fallout. I have things carefully documented. I’ve filed complaints with our (red) state. Nothing happens.

Now, I don’t know how I feel about the legal bans. Maybe that is the route to take since nothing else seems to be working. I cringed listening to Matt Walsh’s rant. It really seemed excessive and cruel. But I was also furious watching Dylan Mulvaney simpering and posing at the White House with Pres. Biden, talking about transitioning kids while Biden nodded along to everything DM said. I was furious listening to Biden telling parents how they should affirm and raise their confused child. He doesn’t know anything about my child’s case. I get furious when I hear people insist that nothing like what we experienced is actually happening. I’ve got it documented in her records. I’m furious but I don’t show it or express it because no one wants to hear it. I need to be reasonable and rational, speaking carefully, and staying true to what I believe about being kind and compassionate to others. But sometimes I feel like an angry rant from someone like Matt Walsh is the vicarious venting of anger I need (kind of like those comedy

sketches with Pres. Obama’s “anger translator”). Or maybe we do need some angry people in all this. I don’t know. I really don’t. Most days, my husband, daughter, and I just want to ignore all of this, move on, and pretend it’s not an issue. But it’s everywhere and impossible to not have to deal with it one way or another.

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puzzle therapy: Have been thinking about what you've written here since I read it a while ago. A "like" is insufficient--words may be, too--but whenever I am trying with anyone to get them to see the harm, what you've written here will be part of what guides me. This really does have to stop.

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Agree with all of this. What was the special sauce that got your daughter to wake up?

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There are a lot of things unique to her situation and personality that I think contributed, but the very short, general picture of what happened is that 1) she never had what would be called “traditional” gender dysphoria and 2) her mental health drastically improved once she got better (although still far from perfect) intensive treatment

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I don’t want to be angry. I don’t want to develop an extreme belief system. I will keep operating from a place of kindness, respect, compassion, facts, and logic. I want things to change but I also want to protect our privacy, especially my daughter’s. But we have been through a LOT. There’s no playbook for rebounding after being thrown into and beaten up by a hugely dysfunctional mental healthcare system.

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One of the strands in Lisa's piece relates to the trajectory from gay marriage to the present. It's important to tease that one out. Lisa writes, eg, "Little did many of us know that advocacy groups supporting gay rights would evolve to push ideas that in some cases actually endanger gay people, push for young gay kids to access the same medical protocol . . .". As a gay woman myself, I certainly wouldn't have predicted this to happen, and many theories have been advanced about why.

One person I have found to be trustworthy on this set of issues, particularly, is Bev Jackson, who is co-founder of the LGBAllianceUK. I just ran across the following, which she put out today, and I thought it might be of interest:

"Everyone who cares about LGB rights please note: all former gay rights organizations are now run by the gender identity cabal. Any group that upholds the original, only, definition of gay & lesbian - same-sex sexual orientation - is barred from consultations on LGB issues. This cannot go on. We will not accept this ideological stranglehold on LGB issues exerted by groups that have grossly betrayed the legacy of the gay rights movement. It will take time, but make no mistake, we will recover what has been lost. We must - and will - repair the damage done to the reputation of the gay rights movement by TQ+ groups’ incessant clamor for attention, their unreasonable demands, and aggressive targeting of women - especially lesbians. To quote a phrase: 'We know who we are.' Stand with us."

Out of my own efforts to research this issue, I believe this assessment to be accurate.

It is going to be tough to find common ground, even on the left side of the aisle, but I take heart that one-on-one conversations, when I am able to have them with friends and neighbors, do help. So, I will keep trying that in my little corner of the world.

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In response to the same types of problems Bev Jackson described, Kathleen Stock and Julie Bindel today announced formation of The Lesbian Project. They report it was a year in the making. Martina Navratilova is a patron. I like what I see here in terms of mission and goals, and I hope it succeeds. The project’s website’s “principles” page is here: http://www.thelesbianproject.co.uk/principles, and a description of their work is here: http://www.thelesbianproject.co.uk/work. Both are very telling about the suppression of lesbian voices in the current climate.

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"You wanna stop letting people transition? Unreasonable." I agree that adults should be able to undergo whatever treatment they like, as long as I am not asked to pay for it. Even if I believed that "gender dysphoria" were a legitimate diagnosis requiring drastic body modification, trans people will be the first to tell you that "gender identity" is not an illness. And yet they want to have it both ways, insisting that insurance or Medicare cover the treatment for their non-illness. Insurers won't cover any other kind of elective plastc surgery, but they are required to pay for procedures that will help someone conform to the regressive stereotypes of his or her choice. What a crazy world.

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Yes, polarization destroys rather than builds. But one of the major roadblocks here to building more bridges across the divide is that people who believe medicalizing children is appropriate just won't talk. If indeed they believe that a trans identity is immutable and inherent, then no amount of information about medical harms will matter.

I think it more important that we talk to "normies"--people who don't know what's going on, who assume it's like gay rights--the more of them we can wake up, the more likely we can turn this tide (mixed metaphor--sorry!).

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A good starting point is always: we all want is best for children, right? Can we try to find ways to support all kinds of expression in young people without medicalization? Can we also take into account that youths have a variety of stressors and many are channeling it into the trans trend?

Then, is it is possible to support an array in gender expression without changing pro nouns? Because they do feel like a slippery slope and they do tell kids there is a right or wrong gender for them to be.

But I get being angry too. I just don’t think it’s effective

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Hi Lisa, Maybe I am too idealistic but can there be some alliance of affirming and questioning parents? Can we start with a conversation/listening session? I have a friend that put out a call on FB to have coffee with a “TERF.” She is active in local PFLAG and she has a lot of respect for me. I don’t know if she knows my full beliefs (definitely not TERFY) but I want to reach out to her. We have talked about our kids mental health issues before and lent each other a lot of support. Maybe this is an opening to have more groundbreaking, people connecting conversation. I just can’t do this culture war sh!t but I also know that I can’t watch children like my child transition without access to thorough exploratory care.

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I like this idea and would like to make it happen. I’m not quite sure how to!!

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I am going to follow up with my friend and see what I can generate. Would you be open to me contacting you to see if I could get some traction?

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Thank you, Lisa, as always. You ask such an important question: "how can we make room for multiple and conflicting ideas in a way that creates more thoughtful and nuanced people?" Yes, please! I'm afraid that the whole NYT kerfuffle and CPAC coming one after another has just made the whole thing feel very entrenched and hopeless. In a matter of days, I heard Lulu Garcia-Navarro's First Person, SF Chronicle's Fifth on Mission, and Ezra Klein all reinforce the "no debate", "science is settled" perspective. The voices most available at the moment are, as you put it, Knowles or Strangio. It is (for this parent) crazy-making.

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I think this is excellent. Thank you Lisa. Less rhetoric and more civil discussion is what’s needed.

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This has been a thorn in my side for a long time. The R's are holding us back from actually getting to a common sense place with all of this. With their extreme rhetoric, voices like yours can't be heard. Just when I was starting to get somewhere educating my liberal friends on the harms being to kids perpetrated in the name of social justice, my state swooped in with ridiculous ideas of arresting parents who seek affirmative care for their kids, and providers who offer it. That shut down all conversations I was having, just when people were really starting to listen. The extremes are going to kill us all.

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Perhaps Knowles responded so strongly after seeing my short post about the "gender" therapists encouraging cross-sex ideating men who are married to coerce their wives into demeaning role play. Matt Walsh was responding to Dylan Mulvaney's quite bold threat that he has the capacity "to steal your husbands." When Christina writes something regarding trans widows' experiences, and reviews the books Sex Change (Christine Benvenuto) 18 Months (Shannon Thrace) and me, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow, I will be relieved to know that at least the harms to these men's families are reported. My clip on the experience of sexual harassment and coercion into demeaning sex role-play, which is part and parcel of the trans ideology:


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I wrote a 6,000-word chapter on trans widows that I had to take out of my HOUSEWIFE book. I hope to publish it here next week. And if you want to gather a few trans widows together, I'll do a podcast with you all.

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Thanks for this. Most of my Trans Widows Facebook group are younger and too frightened of what their children/ex/friends/relatives will do if her voice is recognized. Thanks. Ute

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"sexual harassment and coercion into demeaning sex role-play...is part and parcel of the trans ideology"

I have read and listened to discussions of trans culture by quite a number of mental health workers ranging from psychiatrists to social services intake personnel.

Therefore, I think I'm aware of what 'the major critical voices' say, and what the major critical positions on transgender culture and ideology are.

As far as I can tell, these authors and individuals are quite unembarrassed and unsqueamish about discussing the most intimate negative aspects of transgender culture.

I have never encountered a claim like the above, which you expand on in your personal account of your experiences and the experiences of other people you know. Perhaps because it belongs to a specific part I have not looked for.

You appear aware that the 'anecdotalist basis for your claims lays you open to the well known criticisms of the limits of anecdotalism in any field - hence, as it appears to me, your giving numbers to people you say report your experience.

Is there a major - or even minor - psychiatric study - ideally, peer-reviewed - of what you describe that identifies these behaviors as a significant feature of transgender culture and behavior in heterosexual marriages?

You are evidently internet literate - have you looked for studies evaluating these behaviors? In particular, evaluating how "part and parcel" they are of "trans ideology"? If so, please share them. If not, why not?

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I have a cohort of over 30 trans widows, all of us with similar versions of our ex-husbands narcissism, demands for role play where we "act like a man" during physical intimacy, more often than not we find out about infidelities and they gas light the children into the female pronouns and saying their father is some version of "mama." This is ritual manipulation and indoctrination. The reason no one has produced any kind of valid study of us trans widows is that they do not want to know about any anxiety or depression or negative effects our former husbands' choices cause. There are no quality studies on us or our children with any kind of significant subject number. This is the fault of the psychologists. I'm hearing from my cohort that if the children were in middle childhood during their father's transition, the children have a higher than normal rate of suicidal ideation. Sometimes they've seen the father choke, shove or yell at their mother. Find a webpage called Trans Journalists Association Style Guide to understand the stance they take officially on the families and ex-wives. We are not to be reported on. There are no peer reviewed studies. Imagining this is to give this field much more credit than they've earned.

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Several years ago I told friends that gays/lesbians had more to fear from the ideologies of the left than the right. Not well received.

I told them that because I saw the clouds of gender ideology gathering and sensed that for many gays, this would be a challenge. I sensed the shifting ground on distinction between sex and gender...and you may know that among younger people, many gays/lesbians are mocked, derided, and called "transphobic" if they are not willing to "date" a person who says they are trans.

Most of the gays I know are older and affluent to more than affluent. And frankly, there is a certain cluelessness to how the world has changed. In so many ways, it's still the era of Will and Grace plus gay marriage. And they continue to fund Human Rights Campaign, etc very generously.

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One last thought I’ll add re: Christina Button’s article explaining why she left the Daily Wire. Christina cites as one factor her friendship with trans woman Blaire White. I can’t listen to Blaire White’s videos because to me Blaire sounds just as mean, mocking, and cruel toward other trans people in the TikTok reaction videos on her YouTube channel as Matt Walsh did toward Dylan Mulvaney. BW will use terms like groomer and accuse people of being pedophiles. It feels like ultimately there are a lot of people on every side of this looking for how they can profit off keeping everyone angry and slinging insults at each other. They’re not going to profit by turning down the temperature (same for politicians and nonprofits who needs to keep people believing we’re literally in the middle of a genocide in order to keep their fundraising up)

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I agree with Buttons' stance. you make good points too. As for Knowles, confusion about gender ideology is forgivable. GI is purposefully deceptive and confusing, one can be forgiven for getting it wrong.

gop rage junkies are never going to get it "right". i agree that we should fight and communicate that its ok to ID as "trans". but this is really only the case for adults. kids cant consent to permanent loss of sexual function. the gop is correct when they refer to child gender "care" as child abuse.

its also not true that trans ID people just want to be left alone or accepted as trans. maybe some do. but really they already have that opportunity. many want to invade womens spaces, have grown men undressed in womens bathrooms exposing themselves to women and girls, as Lia Thomas does to his team mates. they want to trick kids and parents into gender affirming care with a 1000 fraudulant claims. they want to erase the rights of a half doz groups.

"How can we make room for multiple and conflicting ideas in a way that creates more thoughtful and nuanced people?" This is the wrong question. the right question is how can everyone retain their rights. How can people who ID trans retain their right to be trans? The already have this right. problem solved. If people who ID as trans dont feel comfortable in the spaces of their bio gender then they can seek a single space all gender restroom. These spaces are more and more common. If none are available then trans ID people should use the restroom of thier bio gender. crime stats show trans ID ppl are safest in the spaces of their bio sex. claims to the contrary are lies told to liberal women who dont know better. its high level mansplaining .

the backlash is comming. buckle up. when it does the only way out is via protecting everyone's rights. when that occurs we will notice that gender ideology seeks to erase the rights of a half doz groups. there maybe middle ground on messaging. but there is no middle ground on the core issue of rights.

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i agree this is a big problem. i read one story written by legal guardian of girl (i cant remember why but both biological parents were out of the picture). this child was 13 or so from what i recall. she had many psych issues. at some point she got the idea that ID as trans was an answer. people who didnt know her agreed with this . since her guardians didnt agree "appropriately" the child was placed in care of various gov living situations where she was placed with biological boys and raped. the story takes place in several states and she was raped at another gov mandated housing situation as judges in multiple states refused to place her with the only people on the entire planet who cared about her. eventually she was reunited with her guardians after literally years of a confused child harmed by the state. i think i read this on pitt parent substack but i cant find it now. in this case the rights of this child and her guardians were legally removed. and based on what? fictional documents that claim kids are better via gender affirmation. its a fraud that dosent hold up.

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So grateful to you for your level-headedness, particularly right now. I have been of so many minds--or perhaps stages of grief is a better way to put it--about these issues, ranging from fury to despair. In the course of this foundering, I have recently become increasingly concerned about the very thing you write about so lucidly here. It’s so easy to give in to rage (let it be known I am far from immune), but also, in the end, so unproductive. If we dig in on our positions, there is simply no way out that I can see, even among people on the left side of the political aisle. I keep reminding myself of the book about negotiations called “Getting to Yes” that was my go-to book back in the days I represented unions in negotiating labor contracts. A central tenet of the book is that, to negotiate successfully, you have to set aside your positions, work instead on identifying the underlying issues, and then see where common ground might emerge. (Of course, the book does note that this is not possible in every situation, and if you see that, then you will need to step back from trying to negotiate.) In my calmer moments, I do believe there is at least potential for resolution among the various voices on the left side of the aisle. I am not so sure beyond that, but I do think it is worthwhile to look for openings wherever one can find them, and at least try.

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this only works to a point. when a lion is in the process of gnawing one's leg, i dont dont suggest you "get to yes". gender ideology is easy to counter. every gender biz stat and claim is a lie. the longer it persists the more ppl are harmed by it

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Kyle: Agreed. Exactly the reason I included this parenthetical: “Of course, the book does note that this is not possible in every situation, and if you see that, then you will need to step back from trying to negotiate.”

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Small quibble: the graphic designer pre-emptively sued to see if she could avoid getting slapped with fines by the state. But the Masterpiece Cake shop guy didn’t sue--he was taken to court by the state of Colorado, found guilty of violating anti discrimination statues, and appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

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Not a small quibble! An important correction. I need to be much more careful about fact-checking, but sometimes you think you know the story and throw it in there. Thank you very, very much.

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I am so deeply frustrated. My daughter, recently 18 and with Borderline Personality Disorder, adhd, and possible autism, has gotten affirmed and is about to go on testosterone. They are not trans. I have tried to show them that i am balanced and not trans hating. I am trying to get them to understand that my concerns are for them, based on my on personal experiences, and not to align with some group (which is a foreign concept to a kid who is deeply seeking group belonging). I am trying to thread a very fine needle with this child but it has been sabotaged by the ultra right wing rampage that has taken hold these past few weeks. My child’s sense of being a victim is intensified. Nothing I say or any attempt to maintain a connection is going to break past the sense that trans people are under threat. The right wing frenzy is just intensifying their distress. I am even questioning whether i should just go along with the trans rights folks on this because the questioning voices are now dominated by vicious and hateful rhetoric. Just like the TRAs, they are sacrificing the well being of children for ideology and “being morally right.” I am so disheartened.

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is yr daughter emotionally dependent and/or financially dependent?

w/o trying to blackmail her over this choice - which it doesn't sound like you can - can you negotiate her seeing a therapist of yr choosing - with implicit financial/emotional rewards - who will work on - this stinks, but here it is - not the medicalization, but the bpd - therapy that that may indirectly lead to her thinking differently about her choices?

obviously (?) yr daughter will be wary of being told, 'it's not gd, it's yr bpd that's making you think this way' - still...if other features of bpd are addressed, and trust develops, could be a path

in above connection - is the bpd a formal medical diagnosis, and does yr daughter accept that she has this disorder - if she does, it possibly may give you something to work with. if she doesn't yet accept it, care would have to be taken to present it clearly as something independent of the self-declared gd/trans issue, that you want to help her address.


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