I’m interested in being interviewed, if my story would be useful to you. I’m someone who tried to transition for a year partially so that my kids could have a dad (he died when they were babies). So I have thought a lot about gender and roles and men and women. And now my 17 year old daughter is trans id-ing, and very angry that I wouldn’t sign off on hormones. I have done alot of research and am illustrating books and pamphlets about it now
I am a housewife who has recently had my world rocked by a devastating blow to our family, and have found myself looking back on the time when I initially left my career to become a housewife, seeing that move and my emotional state and behavior at that time with new eyes . . . In the past several years (and especially the past several months), I've found my world view shifting radically, as I try to cope and better understand our current difficulties and the ways I had gotten reality so very wrong back then . . . warped understandings that I feel might well have contributed to our current situation with our child. Maybe you'd find something useful interviewing me . . . or maybe I've just totally bought into the next ideology and am parroting its dogma . . . shrug . . .
I didn’t have an option to be a housewife.. I come from single parent (6 kids)family. The reality is I just couldn’t deal with the anxiety of being reliant on someone, the drop in professional status (and money) from being stay at home mum would have been too much to bare. My now adult kids snipe about me not being around. One day they may see choice was not an option for me.
Interesting that "the anxiety of being reliant on someone, the drop in professional status (and money)" = having no choice. Surely more to it than that.
Why Stan? You ever been poor or homeless? Or a women already earning less than a man? Also why do you want to contact me? Are you part of this project?
I'm trying to do this education with my 6 year old, who lacks an innate "gender identity" despite others telling her she should have one. Would love to talk with someone further down that road.
I'm a woman in a het marriage. When my kid had a crisis and our childcare quit with no notice (family emergency), my husband quit his job with no notice and no hesitation because my career and earning history is stronger than his. I think this is a growing phenomenon and one that prompts men to face their deeply-ingrained fears of being feminized in our culture. I'm proud of him for doing it, for being an awesome dad, and for our teaching our son the difference between gender identity and bullshit gender norms that only serve the patriarchy.
I’m interested in being interviewed, if my story would be useful to you. I’m someone who tried to transition for a year partially so that my kids could have a dad (he died when they were babies). So I have thought a lot about gender and roles and men and women. And now my 17 year old daughter is trans id-ing, and very angry that I wouldn’t sign off on hormones. I have done alot of research and am illustrating books and pamphlets about it now
Yes, let's talk! Can you email me?
Andrea, I think I emailed you, but if you didn't get it, drop me a line: lisa@lisaselindavis.com
I’ve just sent an email. I am probably difficult to get ahold of, sorry about that
I sure would love to hear about your experience too! I wish you'd join the parents forum I read . . .
Heather, I'd love to interview you (and join the parents' forum). Can you email me? lisa@lisaselindavis.com
I am a housewife who has recently had my world rocked by a devastating blow to our family, and have found myself looking back on the time when I initially left my career to become a housewife, seeing that move and my emotional state and behavior at that time with new eyes . . . In the past several years (and especially the past several months), I've found my world view shifting radically, as I try to cope and better understand our current difficulties and the ways I had gotten reality so very wrong back then . . . warped understandings that I feel might well have contributed to our current situation with our child. Maybe you'd find something useful interviewing me . . . or maybe I've just totally bought into the next ideology and am parroting its dogma . . . shrug . . .
I didn’t have an option to be a housewife.. I come from single parent (6 kids)family. The reality is I just couldn’t deal with the anxiety of being reliant on someone, the drop in professional status (and money) from being stay at home mum would have been too much to bare. My now adult kids snipe about me not being around. One day they may see choice was not an option for me.
I'd love to talk to you about it!
Happy to do that xx
Hi, Ness. I emailed but it might have gone to spam. Please drop me a line: lisa@lisaselindavis.com
Interesting that "the anxiety of being reliant on someone, the drop in professional status (and money)" = having no choice. Surely more to it than that.
Why Stan? You ever been poor or homeless? Or a women already earning less than a man? Also why do you want to contact me? Are you part of this project?
I was asking the author for her contact.
I'm trying to do this education with my 6 year old, who lacks an innate "gender identity" despite others telling her she should have one. Would love to talk with someone further down that road.
I'm a woman in a het marriage. When my kid had a crisis and our childcare quit with no notice (family emergency), my husband quit his job with no notice and no hesitation because my career and earning history is stronger than his. I think this is a growing phenomenon and one that prompts men to face their deeply-ingrained fears of being feminized in our culture. I'm proud of him for doing it, for being an awesome dad, and for our teaching our son the difference between gender identity and bullshit gender norms that only serve the patriarchy.
Hi, Ann. I'd love to interview you about this! Will you email me? lisa@lisaselindavis.com
I don't see your email listed on here anywhere. How can one contact you?