Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

Folks, there's a very obvious reason why these health professionals need to muddy the meaning of detransitioners -- and, it is very obvious to any lawyer who regularly litigates:

They are prepping the jury pool for the medical malpractice/negligence cases that will be piling up in the coming years.

My advice to this community:

1) Consult with good plaintiff's lawyers, class action lawyers/law firms and,

a) ask if there's a path to get a "class" certified of people who have sustained damages due to over-eager/negligent/politically driven medical care/general advice. (There can even be a group of only those with emotional damages, for those who chose not to go through with physical changes, but were negatively impacted through advice. Think big, think outside the box).

2) ask lawyers to analyze what targets, including individuals, make the best defendants. Make a priority list in order of vulnerability & pay-off -- remember to include schools, teachers, medical associations (why not? The Pediatric assoc. is negligently ignoring European changes to this area of medical care), psychologists, nurses and any other non-doctors potential plaintiffs.

3) Fundraise online to pay legal costs up-front (this will help you get a law firm to take a chance, if they know the costs will be covered. This can be for costs up to, but not necessarily including, lawyer's fees).

3) File lawsuits against the whole list.

4) Refuse to settle if they demand a non-disclosure agreement (jury awards are public, so you may have to take it to trial).

5) Hire a top publicists to publicize the settlement, or jury award.

They're less likely to want to settle if there is no non-disclosure. This is why I suggest fundraising online in order to cover the costs of lawyers who may be too jittery, since they're left paying for all expenses unbder the usual retainer agreements (note the standard retainer agreements will have to be modified).

This insanity will only stop when the malpractice insurance companies stop covering these doctors, or make the coverage too expensive. Ditto for actions against schools and anyone else -- if this becomes too expensive, they will stop. That's how our system works: expense + publicity.

The fundraising needs to cover expensive publicists. Jury verdicts/settlements without publicity are not the goal, they only deepen the problem.

For all this it would be best to set up a non-profit. I can think of a few good names, all including "Legal Defense Fund" -- because, after all, we are defending against this onslaught of greed and misplaced zeal.

Go for it, folks! Set up a detransitioners non-profit, fundraise and "Sue The Bastards!" -- All of them. Spare no one.

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"Some of that is because the medical community is so shut down on this topic that they seem almost allergic to introspection, allergic to the complex reality of what’s happening." Allergic to coming to terms with their own culpability. As Helen Joyce pointed out, the greatest promoters of incuriosity are those who with the most to lose, specifically parents who encouraged their children to shed body parts in search of happiness as well doctors like Dr. Haller who may have some residual doubt they hope to quash by discounting the detrans' experience.

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The refusal of people to listen to and believe detransitioners has been the complete breaking point in my belief that people demanding we listen to and are educated by the “lived experiences” of those who are marginalized are sincere and really mean it. “Lived experience” matters only if those experiences are what they want to hear.

And this: “I received a response to a question about detransition from the American Academy of Pediatrics cautioning that I shouldn’t see transition as success and detransition as failure. It’s a false binary. Gender is a journey, they said.” AAP is giving a master class in playing word games and changing definitions so they can dodge all accountability and avoid answering any hard questions.

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