The main problem for left of center politicians is that individuals like Rachel Levine have invented a lexicon of captured language. We hear "trans-gender" instead of cross-sex ideation. We hear "transition" instead of "schedule of hormones injections or pills culminating in irreversible surgeries,"

We hear that adults who do all of the above on a shockingly close calendar are happy with the results for the rest of their lives. We do not hear that Davina Anne Gabriel, an early cross-sex ideating man and loud advocate for men to attend a women's music fest, (Mich Fest) detransitioned and committed suicide a few months later. He wrote a manifesto of regrets "I regret it all. All transsexualism is sociological and not biological. I regret it all. I would not do it again." This he gave to friends to be read at memorials. Where was the news report on that death, in early 2016, of an activist who had harassed many, many women trying to protect female only spaces? There's a huge machine, promoting the opposite narrative to the truth we read here. The kids are going to need this truth even more than elected politicians. Davina A Gabriel originated the term "transphobia" in 1989.

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can you provide the full text, or link to, the "regret letter" from Davina Anne Gabriel?

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That is at Reduxx.com, I believe and also genevievegluck.substack.com

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How do we get the left to listen? When I talk with liberals/democrats (and until the midterms I have always voted a straight Democrat ticket), they all seem to have versions of the same response: they immediately agree it is a social contagion; they’ve believed it was a fad or a trend for a long time; all of these kids aren’t really trans; kids are being rushed into this; there needs to be more nuance; they’re afraid to say anything and it’s wrong people are made to feel afraid. They believe there are people being harmed by this. But they also know someone who is trans and that person told them they knew they were trans or wanted to be the opposite sex from their earliest childhood memories and now they feel so much better now that they’ve transitioned, and they believe and care about this person. They also don’t want to sound, talk like, or seen in any way associated with anything being said about this issue that comes from republicans, even the parts they agree with, because they believe the Republican messaging comes from a place of hate even if they ultimately share many of the same opinions (Trump’s recent speech on this issue will be a huge obstacle to overcome). There’s a LOT of inner conflict there and I don’t think we can make any progress until we find a way to address all those concerns and inner conflicts they’re dealing with and I don’t know where to start.

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I would happily share Jamie's essay with my progressive friends, family, and elected officials. Except that I can predict what objections they will raise:

1. Jamie is not a doctor, so how much does she actually know about these lifesaving treatments?

2. What she describes is mostly her own gut feelings based on a few incidents of harm to individual patients. Where are the data to support her claims?

3. The comorbidities she cites—depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.—are likely the result of being forced to live as a gender that doesn't feel right.

4. The rapid rise in girls presenting at gender clinics is simply due to the reduced stigma attached to being trans.

5. Jamie is just one person out of thousands who work at gender clinics. If these treatments are so harmful, why aren't dozens of whistleblowers coming forward?

6. She is just reciting right-wing, transphobic talking points.

To be very clear, I am NOT saying that these are legitimate reasons to dismiss this essay, and I know there are very good rebuttals to all of this. I'm just afraid that no one who blows the whistle on gender clinics, unless it's Rachel Levine or Chase Strangio, is going to make a dent in the "progressive" belief that these treatments are lifesaving interventions.

ETA: I really hope I am wrong about this!

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Incredibly good points. This is how such information gets filtered, especially when there's so little of it. Let's hope more people speak up so it gets harder to put this spin on it.

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In all seriousness, how do we talk to people who believe that any position on this issue that is held by someone who is also a republican, conservative, religious, or has a “wrong belief” (like questioning the Covid vaccine) is their sign that questioning or disagreeing with this is wrong, dangerous, or untouchable? There are a lot of people who feel that way, even people who are secretly doubting. How do we address this issue? Honestly, I don’t think we can make any progress in a political climate where people are afraid of having any shared opinion with the “bad people” - the racists, the anti-vaxxers, the anti-gay and lesbian, etc

(Please note: I’m not saying this to say everyone on the right is racist, bad, antivax. I’m talking about how people on the left often see people on the right)

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These are exactly the reactions I’ve been seeing on Twitter. What does look promising is that the attorney general of Missouri is opening a multi-agency investigation into that clinic. If more states did just that--investigate what kinds of practices are happening and what is the science they’re based on--I think many of the objections you listed would be covered.

Everyone assumes this all MUST be based on solid evidential science. It is unfathomable for them that it wouldn’t be. But investigations like these will bring so much to light.

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Just like Covid, incidentally. There was, literally, NO science behind masking, lockdowns, spikeshots or antisocial distancing. The Left drove all of these narratives (even for the short time Trump was still in office) for gains unrelated to the health of anyone. And most of them knew it. The same is happening with the entire gender movement. I will say that some of my honest left-leaning friends are starting to be bothered by this, but it is a difficult row to how -- they just cannot believe that they are being lied to this badly, this often. One has to reach the point of realizing that virtually EVERYTHING the government tells you, and much of everything else, is a lie...most of it deliberate. It is why there is so much focus on censoring "misinformation" (almost all of which has turned out to be correct) because the truth and exposure are the best "fixers" for this broken process.

Wish I had some easy fix. In my area of specialty (which includes Covid) I have been making these speeches for years, falling on similar obviously wrong objections. The thing that the Left needs to understand is the magnitude of manipulation and lying for reasons other than those exposed (there are too many subject examples to list here, but you can think of them) broadly writ -- one tragedy is the number of innocent children being thrown under the bus by the gender lies.

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You forgot to mention the provenance: The Free Press was created by Bari Weiss, who comes with her own baggage. As long as there's a taint of tribalism in where the info comes from it will be regarded with suspicion on the left. The article has already prompted Hawley to "investigate" (read exploit the issue for political gain). Bad faith on the part of the GOP will continue to cause progressives to dismiss their trans concerns as politics. They would not be wrong. A coalition of non-political actors: parents, educators, physicians and trans people might be able to transcend this political toxicity which renders everything the other side sez as propaganda.

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Yes, I could have included "How can you trust anything from that source of right-wing propaganda?" But as we've seen, even if the NY Times publishes an article that suggests there might be more than one side to this issue, the paper is accused of promoting harmful, transphobic rhetoric.

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The takeaway: science takes a backseat to prejudice. Tribal identity trumps everything. The truth becomes another thing we lost in the cold civil war.

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I think in these debates we need to make it a standard practice of asking, “Is there ANY piece of information or data that would either change your mind or shift you to the belief that this system is harming at least some portion of children? What would that information look like?” The public needs to see more behind the curtains of how the most entrenched think about this issue.

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I will gladly join any such effort.

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And why do you believe that Hawley's opposition, or mine, to the medicalization hardsell is based on "bad faith" any more than yours? The GOP has been willing to consistently challenge the trans ideology to defend the interests of women and kids, whereas Democrats have not.

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I use bad faith in the sense of exploiting the issue for political gain.

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i doubt people would raise those objections since most people, democrats included, know literally nothing about this subject due to a media ban on anything critical of gender ideology.

1. the "treatments" arent lifesaving. governments of UK, sweden finland say they do more harm than good. they dont "save" lives. suicide rates increase after this "care". im certain doctors working with the State will review the claims from a medical perspective. the whistleblower person is an expert on the subject. its been her job to facilitate this "care" for many years. medical reports are easy to read. its nothing like legal or regulatory language. anyone can read and see its a fraud, especially someone whose job has been to provide this "care".

2. the person who reported this is an expert with decades of experience.

3. claims regarding magical "gender" have been debunked. 85% of kids grow out of gender dysphoria and ID again with thier birth gender with unmedicated puberty. but for the ones that dont, the meds dont help. UK sweden finland say blockers and hormones dont help dysphoria, mental health or anything. gender dysphoria is the result of trama, abuse or worries about being gay. magical gender? theres simply no evidence to support that bogus claim.

4. the reduced stigma claim has also been debunked. the stigma these kids are escaping via "trans" is the sigma of being gay. in some cases their homophobic parents are pushing kids to this "care" to escape the sigma of having a gay son or daughter. thats whats happening in the real world. in the propaganda world pushed by the gender industry, ppl are more trans now due to reduced stigma. problem is there no evidence to support this claim. whats really happening is kids are being scammed by big money pharmaceutical companies and various groups that cover for them, like the democratic party

5. the people who work at gender clinics who know whats going on are ideologues. the gender biz operates like a cult. ppl who go against the group are treated as outcasts.

6. a person who is to the left of bernie is a right winger? ive been a democrat for decades. but i wont vote for another dem until they stop harming ppl via gender ideology.

gender ideology is very unpopular. thats why the gender biz likes to keep everything they do a secret. but the truth will come out. dems risk their entire agenda by supporting this fraud. pols would be stupid not to take advantage of how dems fell for this fraud

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You are right that most people don’t know, but I wonder whether your vision of activists is correct. Among a large subset of left-leaning people, there is a tendency to swallow the activist talking points whole, and then use them when encountering provocative claims.

It doesn’t take an activist, is I guess what I’m saying. So many otherwise sane and normie people really do feel this is the next iteration of gay equality, and when they see/hear anything that stops the progress, they fight unthinkingly.

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fight? um na. they dont really fight. they mostly run away. the only time they fight is when theyre secretly harming kids without parents knowledge or after kids are fully groomed and brainwashed by clueless school teachers or online groomers. then they fight to triangulate kids away from their home arrogantly believing gay kids would be harmed by their own parents while simultaneously pushing kids into the arms of butchers. its only the activists who will engage an argument, robotically reciting the same debunked mantras and outright lies, showing up to womens meetings to bully and attack women and pretending to be progressive while enforcing the most regressive ideas anywhere on earth. yeah, i get that the rank and file democrat has been brainwashed. thats not an accident. that was 20 years in the making and it required zero awareness of the reality of these policies.

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Feb 10, 2023
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Agreed. The scope of the failure here is massive, and so widespread, that I don’t think most people who generally support trans kids/people can wrap their heads around it. It sounds like a conspiracy theory—how can all of these American medical orgs endorse a protocol that has no firm evidence behind it? It sounds crazy.

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Feb 11, 2023
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Completely agree. It’s just that we have a new generation, many of whom were never aware of the satanic panic, who cannot fathom that medical professionals would do radical surgery on kids unless it was a proven, reliable treatment. They don’t know what they don’t know, and even a modicum of skepticism toward capital-A authorities doesn’t make them actually skeptical of this situation. It seems, feels, beyond the pale for them. It *must* be a conspiracy theory, because how else could any sane person hormonally and surgically alter a minor without strong confidence that is *the only way*?

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One response might be that they're motivated to surgically and hormonally alter minors because there's lots of money to be made in doing so. Some people argue that the number of adolescent gender clinics exploded simply because of the requirement in the Affordable Care Act that all insurers pay for medical sex change.

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"The way we are creating a generation of young people with intersex conditions by way of medical interventions."

This sent shivers down my spine. How accurate. I never thought of it this way.

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This phrase actually bothered me. I don’t think it’s accurate to say they have intersex conditions, and I think it’s best to leave people with DSDs out of it, other than to differentiate their medical conditions from the trans phenomenon.

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I had just been reading about girls with CAH (in Galileo's Middle Finger) the night before, and I reported on CAH in my book. When Reed describes the virilization of girls' genitalia, I believe that's what she's talking about. That was one of the more powerful parts of the article, I thought. But in general, I do agree with you that folks with DSDs have been abused in this culture war.

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I was going to say that. The virilization, the breast growth in boys, etc. I agree, Jennifer, that people with DSDs have been dragged into this and some people are downright cruel to them, but physically these boys and girls are ending up with characteristics of DSDs. It's super ironic, I think, that the same crowd that (rightly, I'd say) advocates for infants with DSDs to be left alone and not subjected to medical procedures is also the same crowd advocating FOR medical procedures for gender dysphoric kids.

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Well said. I was also at first taken aback by the “intersex” statement and then thought about it and realized it was not an unreasonable way to describe things. After all, many DSDs are characterized by mismatches or unusual combinations or presentations of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, and that’s exactly what cross-sex hormones are inducing. Basically, iatrogenic DSDs. Yikes.

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I wholeheartedly agree that we need a "bipartisan commission to gather all the information on youth transition in America, so that good laws and policies can follow."

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Like with the Sacklers, we have to look at the *sellers* of this bad idea, their $/power/grandeur/ narcissistic motives, and how they skillfully used the Left's inclusivity and knee jerk LGB support AGAINST us, in a criminally broken chain of medical trust, NGO certainty, plus a deluge of word salad and suicide threats.

Who on Left was co-opted, cultified, &/or paid (Victor Madrigal? Turban? Rafferty? etc.) This idea was **Trojan Horsed** into Left with professional, surgical skill by people motivated to profit and also to hurt the left. A bunch of teen AGPs and ASD girls living in their parents' basements did not author this coordinated, worldwide disinformation re children and gender and see it seize the western world inside 15 years.

No Leftie WANTS to maim kids... but remember, it was sold as "save kids!" (Identical come-on to QAnon...) Beyond an immediate call for a systematic review from those on the Left-- what must be done, yesterday-- we have to look at what happened to us, and by whom, those profiteering off monetizing mentally ill kids and swindling them and their desperate parents. Jail time for the guilty.

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Send this essay to your Representative, Senators, our President and vice President, along with the original article, and if you live in an area with a big gender clinic, send it to the governor, mayor, everyone there too.

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Genuine Whistleblowers have done this exposé work before. Stories from the inside plus detransitioner lawsuits will be the way to interrupt this madness. Circulate Jamie's story widely. It's VERY hard to go first and only a little easier to go 2nd and 3rd. Then there's a tipping point and people can come forward easier. Remember me-too!

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Thank you, Lisa. I hope your post saves many lives of our children. I intend to share it as far and wide as I can.

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Also point them to quotations from the interview which Lane reports, this introduction (above) and then the article and then quotations from the interview here:


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