One of your most salient lines, I think, is linking the AAP’s refusal to look seriously at detransitioners and the Republican legislative blowback. It gets at the heart of this, that the evidence is complicated and often times poor; that the US medical community seems uniquely averse to admitting this; the way that ends up sounding like a lunatic conspiracy theory; the way it explains that in light of the entire American medical community (and media) ignoring this, what options do concerned people have but to introduce over-the-top legislation?

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The AAP won't even correctly cite the evidence. That's the only way it could get affirmation pushed through. Because the evidence doesn't support it.https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2019.1698481

Great article and yes!

I'd say the surgeon general or CDC should call for an evidence review and make policies based on that. Though the evidence is already reviewed and is low quality..

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Give it to him Lisa! He is a lawyer, not a doctor or a scientist, just like the therapists who assess aren't either. It's all smoke and mirrors - like doublespeak. All the while I sit here with my 14 year old thinking I am cruel for denying what she thinks will make her feel better. And I am not a Republican but I sure will vote for them as soon as I can. Keep up the good conversation.

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Thanks! Did you publish a citation or include a link for that 10% destransition rate study before?

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You are truly "doing the work" to use that overused and somewhat annoying phrase. Yes. Nuance and dialogue is the answer. But look where we are today in this country. A transwoman is beating all the biological women and her team is afraid to speak out publicly. We are not even able to speak about the biology of sex in many forums. We are supposed to say: if you FEEL like a woman then you ARE a woman and anyone who questions that is killing trans people. So many of us are with you Lisa and your calm and intelligent voice. I keep commenting on this page because you are a bright light. Thank you again.

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