
Fritella - I, Erin Friday am a co-lead of Our Duty-USA for the Western Region. There are a few of us on the Our Duty's Substack writing for it so another Our Duty co-lead responded through Our Duty's Substack. I have no interest in proving what I say is true. It is your right to believe me or not, but I have no interest in trying to convince as you migrate from issue to issue. Since I am sure you will continue to find fault in what I opine. You started with a comment that I should not have had a visceral reaction (a physical reaction to a non-physical experience, an emotion that comes naturally), to I was hyperbolic about monkey pox to my theory - and I said it was a theory about the money and that I have not quite figured it out yet - is a conspiracy.

Lisa Selin Davis is not a part of Our Duty. She writes Broadview. She interviewed me about the laws being passed in California and my opinion as to why there is an onslaught of harmful bills. Her opinions are her own, as are mine.

I invite you to read Our Duty's Substack and you can read about all of the bills being authored and co-authored by Scott Wiener. I would love to hear your opinion after you read the articles. They will be posted throughout the month. Until then . . .

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Interesting conversation re: many gay men's true believer-ism. I've always noticed among my gay male friends that they think they have a special understanding of feminism because of their gayness, when in reality they are no wiser than straight men and even somewhat sexist (sorry, not all gay men!). These same guys are very smug and smarmy about trans issues. I think it's just a matter of male overconfidence and thinking they're an expert when they're not.

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Note, that Scott poo poos HIV epidemic in that tweet too. "Fun" is more important than safety. Self-pleasure is tantamount = hedonist. Shortly after the sex party, he asked for and received a State of Emergency proclamation resulting from the Monkey Pox outbreak. Sincerely, Erin Friday

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Here you go - Monkey Pox. https://twitter.com/SandNSurf17/status/1632195637172396033?s=20

Make sure to read the guidance Scott Wiener shares. A visceral reaction to a man who placed men in women prisons, is proposing laws that define "health, safety and welfare" to require affirming a child's gender identity, who entices kids to runaway to California - if you have children and the man who wants to harm children was standing over you, you would feel ill too. I am confounded that there are comments seemingly defending this man.

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Thank you and Erin Friday so much for exposing what's really happening. I just wish people who weren't already somewhat aware of the issue could hear all this because it is truly shocking. As a lawyer, I am very disgusted by how the law is being used to harm vulnerable young people. As a mother of an ROGD daughter, I am personally horrified at what's happening. My experience of my daughter secretly obtaining black market testosterone gel at age 16 (last year) over the internet, mailed to a friend's house, proved the ease of ability for young people to obtain these chemicals illegally, but people like Wiener (apt name) are trying to make it legal for teenagers to take these harmful drugs w/o parental consent. While I struggle with the one issue voting idea, I no longer see the Democratic party as the better choice. I cannot wait for this insanity to come to an end.

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I listened to this a few days ago and it really has stayed with me. I am the mother of an ROGD girl. We are 2 plus years in (from New Jersey). My daughter first heard of this ideology in school. She was affirmed and cheered on by teachers, doctors and therapists. We sold our home, put her in a small private school and now live in a city where we can be more anonymous. We no longer use the pediatrician our family had for 20 years. We don't trust a single clinician with our child. We are afraid of the school. our teen doesn't have a therapist. We are afraid anyone might be some glitter person who might steer our child away. We know SO MANY other teen girls going through this now too. We also know those who have desisted. Someone provided syringes and testosterone to our 15 year old last year - I thankfully found it. My daughter's friend ran away to Portland Oregon twice last year with the help of some transmen all associated with the effective altruism cult. Erin is spot on here. Scott Weiner is hurting children, women, and families. The part that stayed with me the most was when Erin said, "fuck the NY Times" (I spoke with them too- at length) and when she went off on the democrats. I feel exactly the same. I will vote with anyone who is against this horrific harm.

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Gay men in some ways have been natural allies and friends to women, and vice versa. But Erin mistakes a sincere lack of interest/attention to evil when she says Scott Weiner is evil.

Andrew Sullivan, for instance, is attuned to the issue of gender identity, full-throatedly, and yet he constantly, inadvertently showcases his lack of understanding for how women feel about any of this. He’s not evil, he just doesn’t get it.

As easy as it is to attribute evil to so many of these actors, the obvious and simpler explanation is that they are blind to what they don’t know. They believe they are on the right side of history, that they are expanding rights for a vulnerable minority, that they are “obviously” supporting a righteous cause.

I can almost guarantee you that every center or left of center woman here started out ten years ago thinking this was just an extension of gay rights--until we learned something that sparked questions, or reservations.

People like Weiner are the same, except they are by disposition or choice unwilling to have that mind-changing conversation or experience.

But what the bell does he care? It’s never going to collide with his life.

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If you haven’t already read TFP article today about Mom’s For Liberty, here is a link. They are taking up issues in K-12 schools which include teaching Gender Identity. This may be the group you were looking for to help stop the state legislation spoken about on this podcast.


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Thank you - looking forward to listening. Just seeing in this morning’s NYT that “defeating bans on gender-affirming care” seems to be part of new efforts (Kirsten Gillibrand) to pass the ERA. Untangling that from women’s rights, as understood pre-transactivism, is essential and, I think, worth a letter to your reps.

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I am like Hippiesq - an attorney with an ROGD daughter who has been down the rabbit hole for over 4 years now. I WISH I could be public about this issue and how it is tearing apart the very fabric of society. I had to live in fear of CPS knocking at our door for three years because of the narrative my daughter learned in order to get love-bombed for being her authentic self. I had to put up with affirming therapist after affirming therapist, and the medical providers who pulled that emotional blackmail bullshit of "dead daughter or living son". I am grateful to Erin Friday for her voice and for not letting up. She bravely calls out the forces that are harming the most vulnerable of populations - children. I too am a homeless Democrat. I have never believed in being a one issue voter, but when I step back and look at the bigger picture, it is more than one issue. It is big pharma colluding with healthcare providers, plastic surgeons, Planned Parenthood, legislators and universities' medical centers. That's just for starters. I'm seeing some handmaidens in the comments here and it's really mind-blowing how self-destructive some people can be. I hope and pray for the day when my daughter desists so I can be public about my outrage. She is finally receiving the much needed mental health care and we see vast improvements in her condition, even if she remains entrenched in an ideology that is pure delusion. Don't let up, Erin! We need your voice!

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