Your storytelling is absolutely amazing. Thank you. You've generously made powerful magic and a powerful message of hope our of your hard times--thank you so much!
The world has had the gift of you for 50 years :). Good to celebrate that!
Well this was a delightful surprise! Happy birthday, my incredibly talented friend. I honestly don’t know how you can write so much good stuff — in a vast array of styles — in what seems, from a distance, effortlessly. Enjoy that hamburger! And thanks for putting so many vulnerable, good, and interesting thoughts into the world!
I recently read that hot flashes are actually the burning off of the fucks we no longer give. Thank you for writing, Lisa!
love this. hope it's true!!
Happy Birthday and welcome to the 50's! Glad you're still here, doing what you're doing!
Lovely piece. What is it about 30th birthdays? Brought back some feelings for me. Hope your birthday was great.
Happy birthday! I’m 50 this year too. And wishing for a year of okay-ness in my family 💕
I’m glad too. Happy Birthday!
Your storytelling is absolutely amazing. Thank you. You've generously made powerful magic and a powerful message of hope our of your hard times--thank you so much!
The world has had the gift of you for 50 years :). Good to celebrate that!
Wishing you a great today and beyond!
Well this was a delightful surprise! Happy birthday, my incredibly talented friend. I honestly don’t know how you can write so much good stuff — in a vast array of styles — in what seems, from a distance, effortlessly. Enjoy that hamburger! And thanks for putting so many vulnerable, good, and interesting thoughts into the world!
Happy Birthday!
Beautiful. Thank you for sticking it out. Happy Birthday!