You might want to add that the gender clinics aren’t divulging stats, which is part of the coverup—both in UK where they refused to cooperate with Cass Review and here in US—I just read on a comment to Eliza Mondegreen’s Twitter that the number of “gender affirming” mastectomies on young teen girls is fairly significant according to info contained in Chloe Cole lawsuit,
“in 2019, Kaiser Oakland performed 79 double mastectomies on girls between the ages of
13-18. That is one hospital in one year. If that is true, the numbers across our country of medicalization would be staggering.”
Much as I appreciate your fantastic reporting on the bold-faced lying that all these organizations are engaging in, I cannot help but feel a sense of hopelessness this morning. Perhaps it's because I spent too long in a (cordial) back-and-forth with a person I know on Facebook (what I fool I am), about a news story in which yet another young man is claiming the right to share a locker room with his female classmates, and my interlocutor repeatedly responded to my assertions that biological reality should trump this deluded young man's subjective claims with statements like "all we really have are opinions," and other even more alarming evidence that this acquaintance (a college-educated professional writer) truly doesn't see how important it is to distinguish the subjective from the objective if we are to maintain free and open societies.
Same here, though about seeing the "sex is not binary," "sex is assigned," "asserting sexual dimorphism is harmful" stuff at the very highest levels of our gov't (NIH, most recently) is what's doing it to me. It's almost impossible to walk that insanity back once it's become that embedded.
This really got my goat. What is the point of professional training if it is beholden to activist values? How can the trans journalism guidelines be the go-to authority for how to write about trans issues. Oh, well, it’s self evident. They have given it thought and research. But their bias makes them biased. Round and round we go. Pharmaceutical companies design clinical trials, after all. The fox has long been in the henhouse. Is there no hope?
I'm hoping that journalism can move away from writing in lockstep. It would be refreshing to see journalists toss out their style guides and write stories without fear using language that is simply descriptive. In the recent dust up at NPR didn't they say that there were NPR affinity groups who were asked for input when a story involved their particular group. It was thought that that would make the story more compassionate to their lived experiences when in practice maybe it just made the story less objective and more leaning toward whatever that group's activism push was. That's what this conference you attended feels like to me. Thanks for this Lisa!
There are a lot of places to go if you want only one side of the story, but I refuse to do what I’m critiquing the media of doing. I’m not familiar with what you’re quoting, though I assume it’s a critique of including the people for whom this radical intervention has been worth it.
I question the alleged efficacy ("worth it") of pediatric sex trait modfication based on self-reporting. Moloch was a Phoenician god to whom adults sacrificed their children. They swore up and down that it ensured good luck and a good harvest. It was their lived experience.
Thank you, Lisa. So important that you are reporting on this, and so disheartening that more journalists are not pushing back against the disinformation. Was there any Q+A? Is there a sense that other attendees could identify the misinformation and lies?
It’s so disheartening, in the midst of so much evidence (Just the huge percentage of teenage girls that are on the autism spectrum suddenly wanting to transition is enough to (you’d think) alarm any right thinking medical professional), that it does feel hopeless. Unfortunately, the actual facts finally becoming really, really clear and impossible to cover up, will only pile on the top of this sad mess. I’m so sad for these kids.
There are HUNDREDS (not mere "dozens") of masectomies performed PER YEAR in the US on girls 17 and under who have a diagnosis of "gender dysphoria":
>Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.
You might want to add that the gender clinics aren’t divulging stats, which is part of the coverup—both in UK where they refused to cooperate with Cass Review and here in US—I just read on a comment to Eliza Mondegreen’s Twitter that the number of “gender affirming” mastectomies on young teen girls is fairly significant according to info contained in Chloe Cole lawsuit,
“in 2019, Kaiser Oakland performed 79 double mastectomies on girls between the ages of
13-18. That is one hospital in one year. If that is true, the numbers across our country of medicalization would be staggering.”
Much as I appreciate your fantastic reporting on the bold-faced lying that all these organizations are engaging in, I cannot help but feel a sense of hopelessness this morning. Perhaps it's because I spent too long in a (cordial) back-and-forth with a person I know on Facebook (what I fool I am), about a news story in which yet another young man is claiming the right to share a locker room with his female classmates, and my interlocutor repeatedly responded to my assertions that biological reality should trump this deluded young man's subjective claims with statements like "all we really have are opinions," and other even more alarming evidence that this acquaintance (a college-educated professional writer) truly doesn't see how important it is to distinguish the subjective from the objective if we are to maintain free and open societies.
Same here, though about seeing the "sex is not binary," "sex is assigned," "asserting sexual dimorphism is harmful" stuff at the very highest levels of our gov't (NIH, most recently) is what's doing it to me. It's almost impossible to walk that insanity back once it's become that embedded.
Or this:
This really got my goat. What is the point of professional training if it is beholden to activist values? How can the trans journalism guidelines be the go-to authority for how to write about trans issues. Oh, well, it’s self evident. They have given it thought and research. But their bias makes them biased. Round and round we go. Pharmaceutical companies design clinical trials, after all. The fox has long been in the henhouse. Is there no hope?
We are truly living in the middle of a nightmare. Thank you, Lisa, for your intelligence and persistence in trying to bring the nightmare to an end.
I'm hoping that journalism can move away from writing in lockstep. It would be refreshing to see journalists toss out their style guides and write stories without fear using language that is simply descriptive. In the recent dust up at NPR didn't they say that there were NPR affinity groups who were asked for input when a story involved their particular group. It was thought that that would make the story more compassionate to their lived experiences when in practice maybe it just made the story less objective and more leaning toward whatever that group's activism push was. That's what this conference you attended feels like to me. Thanks for this Lisa!
"happily and carefully transitioned youth" yes the sacrifices to Moloch are very happy, for they know that He makes the rains come and the crops grow
There are a lot of places to go if you want only one side of the story, but I refuse to do what I’m critiquing the media of doing. I’m not familiar with what you’re quoting, though I assume it’s a critique of including the people for whom this radical intervention has been worth it.
I question the alleged efficacy ("worth it") of pediatric sex trait modfication based on self-reporting. Moloch was a Phoenician god to whom adults sacrificed their children. They swore up and down that it ensured good luck and a good harvest. It was their lived experience.
Thank you, Lisa. So important that you are reporting on this, and so disheartening that more journalists are not pushing back against the disinformation. Was there any Q+A? Is there a sense that other attendees could identify the misinformation and lies?
It’s so disheartening, in the midst of so much evidence (Just the huge percentage of teenage girls that are on the autism spectrum suddenly wanting to transition is enough to (you’d think) alarm any right thinking medical professional), that it does feel hopeless. Unfortunately, the actual facts finally becoming really, really clear and impossible to cover up, will only pile on the top of this sad mess. I’m so sad for these kids.
There are HUNDREDS (not mere "dozens") of masectomies performed PER YEAR in the US on girls 17 and under who have a diagnosis of "gender dysphoria":
>Among teens, “top surgery” to remove breasts is more common. In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.
Trans women are phallophobes, nothing more or less.
I’ll send a note to AP.
The link that says "mastectomies need to be performed..." is defective.