brava, Lisa, brava!

re: the recent paper from the group published on Yale website: Please note that a LAWYER is in that group & very likely helped with the drafting because the whole thing reads like a lawyer's argument. I should know, I've been among them (lawyers that is) for several decades now.

Lawyers should have NOTHING to do with scientific writing. The paper is automatically NOT scientific because it has all been thoroughly "massaged" by a lawyer.

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Your writing is so clear and easy to follow!

I worry that people’s eyes glaze over when trying to follow the tangled paths of this scandal.

But your set up is ingenious and clarifies the *meaning* of what has happened.

Now the challenge is get people to read it!

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Great summary of the scandal. Glad it is there to share.

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The detransition artiicle quoting a 1% detransition rate in the past is not right....

The 1% from the Netherlands simply dropped 36% of the patients who stopped coming in for their lifetime hormones. So they easily could have detransitioned. That study notes this.

The Swedish study of 2.2% regret measured by name change (might not catch all regretters) had an Iver 4% regret rate of limited to patients with at least the 8.5 year regret time follow up...

So there no indication it was small in the past either.....

D'Angelo 2018 talks about study unreliability for those earlier studies.

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Here's the well-grounded in child development response to this ideology in schools and the Le vine nonsense rhetoric. Piaget's concept of object permanence, usually acquired between ages 3-4.


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Can’t wait to watch this! I’ve long wondered why more attention hasn’t been paid to the child (cognitive) development aspect of all this.

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Thanks, Ruth! I will be posting on Vygotsky (zone of proximal development) and Piaget's 4 stages with reasoning on why the "trans child" narrative does not coincide with them.

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Echoing others here to thank you, Lisa, for this terrific, highly readable, description of this scandal.

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Congratulations and thanks, Lisa, for getting the truth out there. I hope other publications follow suit.

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Good job Lisa!

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Good work, Lisa

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Thanks Lisa! I posted on X!

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Adding my thank you, Lisa. Well done on a great, comprehensive piece, which I have just shared with my Members of Congress and with the Surgeon General's office.

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Well said ,Lisa. It's really hard to understand how people can still double down on their false beliefs in spite of an ever increasing mountain of evidence to the contrary. At the end of all this are castrated,sterilised and mutilated children and young adults who are left with damaged bodies and serious health problems for the rest of their lives. How can ANYONE ignore that ?? Levine should be in jail and he's far from the only one. Thanks ,Lisa x

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New in the New York Times from Pamela Paul, citing these scandals and the overall scandal that nothing has changed in the US. Here is the archived version for those without a NYT subscripton, though you cannot see comments.


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🙏thank you Lisa

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