Ok, I wrote to my very-left congressman, Sherrod Brown:

Dear Senator Brown and staff:

I am a knee-jerk progressive: pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro public schools, pro healthcare for all, etc. You get the idea. I have been voting Democrat since I was first able to vote nearly 40 years ago. And no one is more surprised than I am by what I am writing to you about today.

I am begging you to look into the medical transitioning of teens and young adults, and ask your fellow democrats to support stopping, or at least slowing, these treatments until more research is available about long-term health effects, both physiological and emotional. Other countries, more progressive than the US in many ways, have started to put the brakes on these treatments due to concerns about the lack of evidence supporting their efficacy: The UK, Finland, and Sweden.

I am the mother of a teenager who claims a trangender identity. Before this happened to my child, I reflexively supported what I was told was access to life-saving, medically necessary care for transgender children. Then one day, after being isolated by the shut-down for nearly a year, and being online for hours and hours each day, my child informed me they were trans, and would need cross-sex hormones. They were 15 years old.

There was not a hint of this before the isolation of COVID.

Please, please read this piece by author Lisa Selin-Davis (author of Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls Who Dare to Be Different.) that spells out what is actually known and not known about these treatments. The research is not nearly as cut and dry as organizations like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and the AMA say. (I have always given money to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood, by the way, and volunteered with both organizations in the Cleveland Area, where I live.)


And please don't let the Republican party take the lead on this issue and use it as a wedge, to demonize helpful treatments for those trans people who truly need them. The issue has become so politicized that confused, concerned parents are stuck between bigots on the right, and extreme activists on the left, neither of whom are calling for more, and better research, and neither of whom truly seem to care about families and children caught in the middle.

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This is wonderful. I hope you get a response! I am preparing a letter for my state senator, too, because of a NYS law that is a copycat of California's SB107.

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Thanks for sharing that thoughtful letter to Rep. Brown. I'd be interested to know whether you get a response, because I wrote a similar letter to my Dem Congressman as well as the CA Superintendent of Schools, nearly a year ago, and neither ever responded. This continues to astonish me, and I seriously wonder if such letters are being discarded by young staffers who deem them hate speech. I'm not prone to conspiracy theories, but this experience has done a number on me! Feel free to email me directly at jen.poyerack@gmail.com if you like.

Wishing you success in being heard,


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Jenny, thank you so much! And I have to wonder the same thing. I know I'm not the first to make this comparison, but it's like the recovered memory movement. Anyone who questions the validity is a monster. My hope is that someday soon it will fade away, and everyone will be embarassed to admit they believed it/supported it so blindly.

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Oct 10, 2022Edited
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Wow, this is great to hear! Would you be able to share a copy of the letter with me? I'd love to see what actually worked!

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me too!!

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Thanks for your story. We all feel like we are operating in a vacuum sometimes pulling the same fast turns to save our kids. I stand in solidarity with you.

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Thank you, Lisa. Any thoughts on drafting a letter we can all sign online?

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Please create a way we can all sign this! I will print it out and hand it to people all day long. I have begun trying to find a legal case in our personal situation because I am tired of yelling on Twitter and want to start using the energy we have found practically by engaging with government and courts. Please use me to help set this up if you need that.

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Yes please! As a Canadian, I don't know if I am allowed to write to Garland, but perhaps I can sign an online message?

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Web link for contacting Garland (choose "Messages to the Attorney General"):


Always best to use your own words. Repeated form letters have much less impact.

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Thank you! Done.

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Does anyone else feel trapped? I want to shout all this to the rooftops, but my child would likely run away and never speak to me again. I feel so helpless and broken, sometimes. Lisa, may I send this my congressman here in Ohio?

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Of course, send this to your Congressperson. Feel free to adapt it and put your own name on it!

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Lisa you are a goddess. Your ability to convey ideas and arguments succinctly is truly a gift- especially to those of us who have been harmed by this so called care.

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Preach. Let’s all write him

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Mail this to garland, people!

Thank you!

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You never fail to impress!! Pure brilliance again!

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I have just subscribed, am commenting here because it’s the first post of yours I read. I first want to say how grateful I am you are speaking publicly wherever you can. (I just listened to your commentary on the Showalter podcast, and you spoke right to my head and heart; I was also over the moon you "made it" into at least the Boston Globe, and also that you wrote to Merrick Garland.)

So, I apologize if this is an aside to the present post, but it leads me once again to ponder the issue of how to define gender. I read an earlier post of yours just now related to that subject and find I am not sure teaching multiple meanings of it can get us where we need to go. I suspect you've written to what I'm about to write somewhere else in the substack, and hope, if so, you may point me in that direction. Here's some background: I'm 73, gay female, was in law school when Title IX passed. I was absolutely horrified when I saw the current proposed changes to the regulations—and fortunately found out in time to write a comment to the Federal Register. It was at that point that I felt I needed to dig deeper into what this is all about—how what I thought was settled in terms of terminology and its consequences is now back up in the air. I am horrified on a daily basis now—including on seeing what activist groups wrote to Merrick Garland.

Stepping back a bit, on the term gender, specifically: if we do not understand it as we used to, that is, as a social construct imposed on us by society, how do we begin to discuss how wrong those constructs are that attempt to force us into feminine and masculine roles? For example, I had a young acquaintance (in her 30s), who proudly wore a "The Future is Female" T-shirt in 2016 the day she voted. We are no longer in touch, but I gather she has recently decided she is queer. So far as I know, she is not gay. I suspect what she's trying to do is escape from being defined by cultural/societal norms. More power to her, but how is saying that she's queer going to advance that? I personally think we are best served by reclaiming the term "gender" to express the social constructs imposed on men and women/boys and girls by society, but the bottom line, at least as I see it is, If we don't share common language, I don’t see how we can find a way to talk about what is wrong here and what is needed to fix it.

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Thank SO MUCH you for subscribing, and for reading, and for interacting! I agree—this definition is incredibly useful in terms of understanding cultural expectations, and I would love to reclaim the feminist definition of gender. My proposal was based, though, on the reality of the situation. And entire generation has not only been taught that definition, but has embraced it. It's how they make sense of themselves and the world. So if we really want kids to understand stereotypes and norms, we can't just override the current identity-based definition but rather introduce them to a new one. But I'm totally open to other suggestions!

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Dear Lisa: Thanks so much for your further thoughts. Yes, definitely understand what you are saying here, and in that context, introducing younger people to a new (or maybe it's the old) definition may be the best we can do. It's interesting to me to realize that I don't at all think of "our" definition as feminist--just accurate :). But you do remind me that, when we were in touch, I tried to explain to the same young woman I mentioned how, in law school, we wouldn't let the professors say "reasonable man" and would correct them to say "reasonable person." She didn't get it at all, thought it was just trivia, but when I explained how the language we use can affect how we think, she sort of got it, at least in the moment. It's "amusing" to think of those days and that story in re the language confusion now! Anyway, Thanks so much for writing back--and please know I don't expect that as a matter of course. It's more than enough that you are yourself writing and speaking so clearly and knowledgeably on these issues. I want to say, too, BTW, I am a solid, if "pragmatic," progressive, so feel I have found a soulmate in you in despairing that the left is getting this issue so, shockingly wrong--indeed, my trajectory to my current views is very much like the one you described in the Showalter podcast. The fact that it's so hard for your voice to be heard in center and left publications complicates this even further, as you so well know. I have at least 4 people who I think are willing to try and understand, all left of center. I would love to send them the Showalter piece directly, but the minute they see it's "The Christian Post," they would all reject it out of hand. So, I'll use it as a source of talking points until I think they're ready to look in places they wouldn't otherwise go. I do get it. This stuff is made even harder because the sources one normally relies on as more or less trustworthy are completely MIA.

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This is wonderful, Lisa. Thank you so much! Very inspiring, I will cite it when I contact my reps (yet again -- no response since last year, like others in this thread). All we want is protection for children who can't protect themselves from these powerful social forces. They need us adults to step up for them.

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