Thank you so much for all your work. You have been a role model for nuanced thinking and reporting.

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Thank you, Lisa, for your courage, decency and good writing skills. We really need your voice, as well as the voices of many others writing on Substack about a range of other issues that “mainstream media” is censoring.

Last week I was shocked to have my comment in the Wall Street Journal deleted for cause. It was a mild, side comment, but I made the mistake of using the word “trans” and the was enough for it to be censored. In the WSJ. Unbelievable.

Keep up the good work.

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Thank you,Lisa! I’m so glad you stood up to both sides and opened the eyes of many. Myself, being the mother of a trans daughter, personally lost many friendships. Yet, every friend I lost did not have a trans child. They had no idea of the pain and isolation it created. Hopefully, thru your posts, they at least caught a glimpse. May the New Year ring in more empathy and compassion for everyone that has been emotionally and/or financially destroyed by this transgender cult that believes in medically transitioning our children into eunuchs. The truth hurts.

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Dec 27, 2022·edited Dec 27, 2022

Thank you for all you've done!

If more people would be as brave and wise as you, these kids would be getting the support they need! Your writing might push people to do the first and help them to do the second.

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The Reuters article, while the use of non-biological pronouns grates on me, is quite a revelation. The reason for the cross-sex ideology's insistence on a totalitarian suppression of information on detransitioners and the grief and alienation caused to families, is the instability of the diagnosis. As evidenced by anonymously published webpage, "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide," a must-read for every gender critical individual. Compared to the over-exposure of "authentic selves" on the Winfrey Show and in New York magazine, detransitioners are still untold stories, evidenced as well, by the overreaction to Leslie Stahl's 60 Minutes program on them; she was forced to distill the testimonies down to 17 minutes when detransitioners were originally slated for the full hour. We have less than a half dozen ex-wives memoirs by trans widows, including mine, In the Curated Woods, which I self-published, knowing it would not get published in my lifetime if I wait for a standard publishing house. Now that Chris Beck, Ritchie Herron, Oli London, Michelle Alleva, Helena Kerschner, Walt Heyer, Hatchi Horvath, Choe Cole, Camille Kieffer, Daisy Chadra and dozens of others have started telling their detrans stories, we will have to take on the researcher role and figure out how to help them recover. Behind the Looking Glass, Vaishnaivi Sundar's upcoming documentary of interviews with 30 trans widows, including me, is due out in 2023. Thanks for the appreciation! Here's a link to commenter with many science-based insights, Exulansic (Isle of Ex on YouTube) and my deep dive into the dopamine feedback cycle of cross-dressing, which she did at one time. Ute


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Thank you for your courage! And, congrats of the 4,000 subscribers - that's no small feat!

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Thank you for everything you do. And thank you for seeing this coming, and having the courage to write about it early on.

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Congratulations, and well earned. This post alone was a brilliant commentary on the state of debate. I appreciate particularly that you called out those two Times pieces and not only that, but noted both the Reuter's article and the piece on Julie Bindel's substack, which was excellent. You give us all courage to keep in there and keep spreading the word, including spreading the word about subscribing to Broadview. May your subscriber list continue to grow in 2023.

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I just took a look at the "Trans Journalists Association Style Guide". Everyone here should take a look at it. It's a comprehensive guide to suppressing the truth and advancing the radical trans ideology.

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Thank-you for your courage. Being able to witness the pain that this ideology can plunge a family into is a gift. It brings comfort and hope to those families and a mere thank-you feels woefully inadequate.

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Thx you for everything. I subscribe! That Louisa May piece infuriated me. Erasing women. Again

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Congrats on the 4000 subscribers, and I wish you the best of the season and a happy and productive new year. Some reason to hope the tide is turning.

Though still think a big part of the problem is that we still can't agree on our definitions. Will Durant had a rather cogent and quite relevant comment on Voltaire's quip:

“ 'If you wish to converse with me,' said Voltaire, 'define your terms.' How many a debate would have been deflated into a paragraph if the disputants had dared to define their terms! This is the alpha and omega of logic, the heart and soul of it, that every important term in serious discourse shall be subjected to strictest scrutiny and definition. It is difficult, and ruthlessly tests the mind; but once done it is half of any task. — Will Durant"


And see my own post for some further elaborations relative to sex and gender:


If we can't agree on our definitions, we can't possibly communicate. Without which progress will be impossible.

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