In personal news, a Gender Thread I follow on a progressive news site has faced down the bully who has been intimidating TG critical people there for years. People are now expressing their doubts in a civilized manner. I have to say the Pamela Paul article opened some doors. When the grey lady expresses her doubts she carries a lot of people with her.

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Fantastic to learn this. Thanks for reporting in, David!

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My fave line in this is: “If only someone had pitched such an article to major news outlets many times!”

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Thinking about writing about the gender care divide between liberals ;)

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"The Freedom Caucus, a far-right faction within the GOP, criticized the bill for its leniency, pushing instead for Chloe's Law, a more stringent proposal aimed at banning gender-affirming care outright in the state." Letting the perfect become the enemy of the good

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Here's my take on Debbie Hayton, Katy Jon Went and Miranda Yardley's youtube interviews in which they all state they know they are men. Hayton and Went also admit they are now celibate. Not sure about Yardley. If I was a therapist with a confused teen boy in my office, I'd tell him to turn off the porn and watch these three talking. Doesn't romanticize the cross-sex ideation doctrine.


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