Thank you! There's also a Benjamin Boyce episode with Jamie Reed and Eliza Mondegren discussing the AAP booth to complement the description by Lisa:
As for shooters and the specifically the Daily Wire, I would not call Daily Wire far right. They are classic conservatives-what Republicans used to be. Their launch of Bentkey is a classic conservative concept. Even their Jeremies chocolate he/his with nuts and she/her without nuts is a classic conservative concept. The far right including Trump, Tucker, Sean, Brietbart, etc despise the Dailywire.
Matt Walsh can be a ridiculous at times. But Candace Owens and Jordon Peterson are good.
You refer to their request for the manifesto of the Nashville shooter. Is there a reason it’s not being made public? Apparently some of the victims relatives don’t want it public. Why?
Jeremy Boring is anything but far right. He’s not particularly religious.
Ben Shapiro has done an outstanding job characterizing the reality of the Israel/HAMAS war. Even though his bias is toward Israel’s right to exist. It’s an interesting discussion, what gives any state the “right” to exist? “International law” is just a political weapon used when it’s convenient to the side that it favors.
Interested in your thoughts on why you paint Dailywire as far right?
A common tool librarians use to raise reader awareness of bias is the All Sides Media Chart: For me, a simply conservative paper might be something like The Wall Street Journal or The Economist while a far right paper would be the Daily Caller, The Federalist, or the Daily Wire, but I read all types of media and have had a subscription to The Daily Wire--some of the articles they publish are brilliant. There's nothing wrong with their reporters seeking the manifesto; I'd expect all reporters to. It's just that when you read through their coverage of the Covenant School shooting, it's ALL about the manifesto and the personal background of the shooter, while they avoid any discussion of gun access issues. Would you like to know why I characterize The Advocate as far left?
The media-bias-chart characterizes on the lines most often used today for politics: far-left, left, center, right, far-right. That doesn't work in my brain for anything but politicians. I don't characterize news sources that way or other organizations that way.
Its hard to characterize Dailywire on that spectrum because they are hated by most of the far right politicians. Dailywire doesn't cowtow the far right speaking points. They certainly aren't endorsed by Trump, he hates the Dailywire. They are not "loyal" to him.
As a gay person, I'm independent. I currently am not on board with the many of the Advocate or HRC's political positions. The HRC is the most interesting because the term "human rights" is in their name. It made sense early on in HRC's history, today they are taking up causes that are at odds with Human Rights if they are using the UN definition. They are typically very opposed to any "religious" rights to believe that being LGBTQ is immoral and that those who in their religion believe that it is still need to support gay marriage et al. I support the right of the religious to have their belief. As long as they don't force their belief onto me. I don't have a need (and don't understand why any LGBTQ person does) to force a Christian baker to bake me a wedding cake or force a Christian government worker to sign my marriage certificate. Its trivial to find alternatives today.
My personal political X-axis is shifted to the center-left, and I put anything to the right of The Washington Examiner or New York Post as broadly far right. But there are distinctions for me, with Breitbart being hyper-partisan and Info Wars being extremist, whereas the Daily Wire to me is just very conservative. In the same way, I'd call The Advocate and HRC far left, but I'd say that HRC is hyper-partisan and Occupy Democrats is extremist, whereas The Advocate is just very left-wing. I know, I know, all personal judgment!
And another crack in the “Dutch Protocol”. Zembla is a Dutch documentary television program. First paragraph translated via google for the gist. The research on which medical treatment for transgender young people in the Netherlands is based is scientifically flawed. This is what four leading methodologists and a professor of orthopedagogy told Zembla. The research is the basis for the much-famed Dutch Protocol, the treatment method that was developed by the VU in Amsterdam in the 1990s and has been adopted in many other Western countries.
Kate, thank you so much for another top of the line round-up, and thanks, too, to Alejandra Q for her work putting these together. This time around, I want to give especial thanks for your shrewd commentary in the wake of Lewiston. The links you provide that I have been able to read are excellent (have to get behind the paywall to read the Atlantic one, which looks great, too), and I commend them to everyone. As one example, re the NPR article, the commonalities on the issue of social contagion re guns and ROGD are right there for all to see (if only they would look)!
PS, on the issue of ROGD and other sex/gender issues, I commend “Sex and Gender: A Contemporary Reader” to all here who haven’t got hold of it. Everything I’ve read so far, including a piece by Littman on “Psychosocial Factors and Gender Dysphoria, Emerging Theories” is well argued and well supported. Here’s a link to the book:, including a listing of the table of contents.
Oh, shoot, I'll update to an archived link for The Atlantic. Thank you. And for those of you who would like to read Sex and Gender: a Contemporary Reader via your library, it is available on interlibrary loan for free or low cost if you have a library that provides that resource and if you're not in a rush.
A committee of children in Colorado just convinced a few activist adults that a bill hiding the social transition of kids from parents would be a really good idea. They used the typical “kids will kill themselves if you don’t do this” argument. A number of us testified in person at the State Capitol, but apparently parents just don’t know anything.
Also newsworthy, I was banned from conservative outlet, National Review, after defending myself in comments under Ashley McClure's op ed criticizing "uterine transplants" in men who ideate a female persona. I have results from 54 transwidows, including several reports of then-hubby's pregnancy envy, but suppposed conservatives trashed my information in the comments. After paying their subscriber fees and defending the validity of my trans widow statistics, I was notified that I'm now banned from commenting. This is likely due to National Review's use of a third party tech company to manage their comments. The insidiousness of "trans-tech-world" is a real thing.
Thanks. Let her know! I get criticized all the time for posting about my data on trans widows. Because my wealthy tech exec (crossdressing, claiming he's me, the mother of our grown sons--I always describe behavior, not labels formulated to indoctrinate) ex-husband is one of those promoting "pronouns" on his company's website for the actual database management they do for world class museums, I have a window into their mindset and use of "innocent" deception.
I checked out Eli Lawliet's website (I have a strong stomach). Rejoice, my friends, there is no wait list and the doula's "books are currently open" . So, if you want to explore possible new names for your budding trans self or your trans family member, now you can do so for a low fee of $100 (self) or $150 (family/allies) an hour. Unfortunately, the good doula does not offer a sliding scale for the less financially fortunate but you can probably get some sort of a special deal to discuss multiple family members and their names.
Oh, and fear not, you can get help from the discomfort of your home in your transphobic state: "Due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, services must be remote with very occassional exceptions for specific circumstances"
Apologies, Georgina, and while yes, there was an allusion to the Talking Heads, I'm not a professional and tend to use common jargon when I write, especially when I want to be careful not to go too deep on the complexities of the situation. How would you refer to mass shooters?
Apology accepted and thanks for the Talking Heads explanation - totally missed that! The tension between accountability and blaming is an interesting one. The labels of "crazy" and "psycho" have been used against people for so long now, with little concern for how such terms impact people who are actually struggling with emotional and mental difficulties, that I felt I needed to respond in the way I did. I think the reasons people commit heinous acts are complex and such actions need to be condemned. However, it is in my nature to look beneath the obvious wrong to try and understand what to most people, has no reasonable explanation. My work as a therapist requires that I do this as well. Sorting through my own gut reactions without demonizing and dehumanizing others is often challenging, especially when I have no tangible connection to them. It's easy to write someone off (with so many labels!) when I don't have to personally relate with them and recognize my own pain in their eyes, however deeply buried. I think that psychiatric labels(medicalization) are no less dangerous, (though perhaps less visible), than hormones or surgeries - even the so-called legit ones like "gender dysphoria". Whether it's our kids or violent men who commit atrocities, we need to find a different way of relating to the complex personal and social factors that contribute to behaviours that stop us in our tracks. Otherwise, I fear we will never move beyond the dualism of "us and them" that permeates our current world, communities and families.
I respect my kid's privacy--I don't give two hoots about my own. I used to share more when I was anonymous and there was no way to link us, but I like not being anonymous! I'm always happy to talk, though, so feel free to email me for a direct conversation anytime.
Great update Kate!
Really helps to hear about all the pushbackers - whoever & wherever they may be, its good to know that we're together, and pushing! Thank you.
Thank you! There's also a Benjamin Boyce episode with Jamie Reed and Eliza Mondegren discussing the AAP booth to complement the description by Lisa:
I thought the same thing. Jamie is a truly caring person
Great summary of the trans goings ons! Thanks!
As for shooters and the specifically the Daily Wire, I would not call Daily Wire far right. They are classic conservatives-what Republicans used to be. Their launch of Bentkey is a classic conservative concept. Even their Jeremies chocolate he/his with nuts and she/her without nuts is a classic conservative concept. The far right including Trump, Tucker, Sean, Brietbart, etc despise the Dailywire.
Matt Walsh can be a ridiculous at times. But Candace Owens and Jordon Peterson are good.
You refer to their request for the manifesto of the Nashville shooter. Is there a reason it’s not being made public? Apparently some of the victims relatives don’t want it public. Why?
Jeremy Boring is anything but far right. He’s not particularly religious.
Ben Shapiro has done an outstanding job characterizing the reality of the Israel/HAMAS war. Even though his bias is toward Israel’s right to exist. It’s an interesting discussion, what gives any state the “right” to exist? “International law” is just a political weapon used when it’s convenient to the side that it favors.
Interested in your thoughts on why you paint Dailywire as far right?
A common tool librarians use to raise reader awareness of bias is the All Sides Media Chart: For me, a simply conservative paper might be something like The Wall Street Journal or The Economist while a far right paper would be the Daily Caller, The Federalist, or the Daily Wire, but I read all types of media and have had a subscription to The Daily Wire--some of the articles they publish are brilliant. There's nothing wrong with their reporters seeking the manifesto; I'd expect all reporters to. It's just that when you read through their coverage of the Covenant School shooting, it's ALL about the manifesto and the personal background of the shooter, while they avoid any discussion of gun access issues. Would you like to know why I characterize The Advocate as far left?
The media-bias-chart characterizes on the lines most often used today for politics: far-left, left, center, right, far-right. That doesn't work in my brain for anything but politicians. I don't characterize news sources that way or other organizations that way.
Its hard to characterize Dailywire on that spectrum because they are hated by most of the far right politicians. Dailywire doesn't cowtow the far right speaking points. They certainly aren't endorsed by Trump, he hates the Dailywire. They are not "loyal" to him.
As a gay person, I'm independent. I currently am not on board with the many of the Advocate or HRC's political positions. The HRC is the most interesting because the term "human rights" is in their name. It made sense early on in HRC's history, today they are taking up causes that are at odds with Human Rights if they are using the UN definition. They are typically very opposed to any "religious" rights to believe that being LGBTQ is immoral and that those who in their religion believe that it is still need to support gay marriage et al. I support the right of the religious to have their belief. As long as they don't force their belief onto me. I don't have a need (and don't understand why any LGBTQ person does) to force a Christian baker to bake me a wedding cake or force a Christian government worker to sign my marriage certificate. Its trivial to find alternatives today.
What's your view of the Advocate and HRC?
My personal political X-axis is shifted to the center-left, and I put anything to the right of The Washington Examiner or New York Post as broadly far right. But there are distinctions for me, with Breitbart being hyper-partisan and Info Wars being extremist, whereas the Daily Wire to me is just very conservative. In the same way, I'd call The Advocate and HRC far left, but I'd say that HRC is hyper-partisan and Occupy Democrats is extremist, whereas The Advocate is just very left-wing. I know, I know, all personal judgment!
And another crack in the “Dutch Protocol”. Zembla is a Dutch documentary television program. First paragraph translated via google for the gist. The research on which medical treatment for transgender young people in the Netherlands is based is scientifically flawed. This is what four leading methodologists and a professor of orthopedagogy told Zembla. The research is the basis for the much-famed Dutch Protocol, the treatment method that was developed by the VU in Amsterdam in the 1990s and has been adopted in many other Western countries.
Kate, thank you so much for another top of the line round-up, and thanks, too, to Alejandra Q for her work putting these together. This time around, I want to give especial thanks for your shrewd commentary in the wake of Lewiston. The links you provide that I have been able to read are excellent (have to get behind the paywall to read the Atlantic one, which looks great, too), and I commend them to everyone. As one example, re the NPR article, the commonalities on the issue of social contagion re guns and ROGD are right there for all to see (if only they would look)!
PS, on the issue of ROGD and other sex/gender issues, I commend “Sex and Gender: A Contemporary Reader” to all here who haven’t got hold of it. Everything I’ve read so far, including a piece by Littman on “Psychosocial Factors and Gender Dysphoria, Emerging Theories” is well argued and well supported. Here’s a link to the book:, including a listing of the table of contents.
Oh, shoot, I'll update to an archived link for The Atlantic. Thank you. And for those of you who would like to read Sex and Gender: a Contemporary Reader via your library, it is available on interlibrary loan for free or low cost if you have a library that provides that resource and if you're not in a rush.
A committee of children in Colorado just convinced a few activist adults that a bill hiding the social transition of kids from parents would be a really good idea. They used the typical “kids will kill themselves if you don’t do this” argument. A number of us testified in person at the State Capitol, but apparently parents just don’t know anything.
Also newsworthy, I was banned from conservative outlet, National Review, after defending myself in comments under Ashley McClure's op ed criticizing "uterine transplants" in men who ideate a female persona. I have results from 54 transwidows, including several reports of then-hubby's pregnancy envy, but suppposed conservatives trashed my information in the comments. After paying their subscriber fees and defending the validity of my trans widow statistics, I was notified that I'm now banned from commenting. This is likely due to National Review's use of a third party tech company to manage their comments. The insidiousness of "trans-tech-world" is a real thing.
Wow. Your comments (on this and previous posts) make me think of Mary Harrington’s writings on cyborg theocracy. She might be interested in your work.
Thanks. Let her know! I get criticized all the time for posting about my data on trans widows. Because my wealthy tech exec (crossdressing, claiming he's me, the mother of our grown sons--I always describe behavior, not labels formulated to indoctrinate) ex-husband is one of those promoting "pronouns" on his company's website for the actual database management they do for world class museums, I have a window into their mindset and use of "innocent" deception.
We need a doula for people who can't stop obsessing about the sex change cult.
I checked out Eli Lawliet's website (I have a strong stomach). Rejoice, my friends, there is no wait list and the doula's "books are currently open" . So, if you want to explore possible new names for your budding trans self or your trans family member, now you can do so for a low fee of $100 (self) or $150 (family/allies) an hour. Unfortunately, the good doula does not offer a sliding scale for the less financially fortunate but you can probably get some sort of a special deal to discuss multiple family members and their names.
Oh, and fear not, you can get help from the discomfort of your home in your transphobic state: "Due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, services must be remote with very occassional exceptions for specific circumstances"
"Gender doula" sounds like a regular New Age weirdo, but with "gender"
I find your comments about mass shooters as "psychos" and "crazy" to be both personally and professionally offensive and harmfully superficial. :(
Apologies, Georgina, and while yes, there was an allusion to the Talking Heads, I'm not a professional and tend to use common jargon when I write, especially when I want to be careful not to go too deep on the complexities of the situation. How would you refer to mass shooters?
Apology accepted and thanks for the Talking Heads explanation - totally missed that! The tension between accountability and blaming is an interesting one. The labels of "crazy" and "psycho" have been used against people for so long now, with little concern for how such terms impact people who are actually struggling with emotional and mental difficulties, that I felt I needed to respond in the way I did. I think the reasons people commit heinous acts are complex and such actions need to be condemned. However, it is in my nature to look beneath the obvious wrong to try and understand what to most people, has no reasonable explanation. My work as a therapist requires that I do this as well. Sorting through my own gut reactions without demonizing and dehumanizing others is often challenging, especially when I have no tangible connection to them. It's easy to write someone off (with so many labels!) when I don't have to personally relate with them and recognize my own pain in their eyes, however deeply buried. I think that psychiatric labels(medicalization) are no less dangerous, (though perhaps less visible), than hormones or surgeries - even the so-called legit ones like "gender dysphoria". Whether it's our kids or violent men who commit atrocities, we need to find a different way of relating to the complex personal and social factors that contribute to behaviours that stop us in our tracks. Otherwise, I fear we will never move beyond the dualism of "us and them" that permeates our current world, communities and families.
Thank you, very well put.
Also thanks for all the news updates. :)
That was the allusion, but my intention wasn't to distract from such an awful situation. Sorry about that.
I respect my kid's privacy--I don't give two hoots about my own. I used to share more when I was anonymous and there was no way to link us, but I like not being anonymous! I'm always happy to talk, though, so feel free to email me for a direct conversation anytime.