Good opinion piece in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune.


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Excellent, glad to see this!

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I loved to play Whack a Mole as a kid but reading this news summary is Whack a Mole on a whole other level. The recent Title IX revision … are you effing kidding me?!

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Thanks for this compendium of articles. I feel much better informed!

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Well it sure seems like AGP has been normalized. And that has come with demands for rights (acceptance, pronouns, etc).

It’s too bad that single mothers and gay people were stigmatized in the past, but does that means we really need to accept everything now? Because we can see how that’s going.

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Great interview today with the Cass Report and others on NPR’s On Point. Be sure to listen. This is a big breakthrough. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cass-review-author-more-caution-advised-for-gender/id121534955?i=1000654951527

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