I was there too, and I also experienced joy and peace, being among other therapists, social workers, psychologists, whistleblowers, etc. It can feel very lonely to be quietly practicing therapy as it was meant to be practiced, meeting our clients/patients with kindness and curiosity, treating them with dignity and seeing them as an individual- which is not what mainstream therapy is doing these days. I was often struck by how brave my colleagues are, as we do what we can, each day, to help our clients/patients in spite of personal risks. It truly was a privilege to be there this week. And I loved meeting you in person, Lisa 😊
Nothing exemplifies the utter brainlessness of our current timeline better than the use of the abbreviation LGBTQ and its ever-longer cousins. The headline "How Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act protects LGBTQI+ individuals" is particularly dumb and misleading. There is no mention on that page of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or intersex individuals, because the article is completely about "gender affirming" health care.
Trans activists' ploy to lump everyone together like this has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Journalists, politicians, academics, corporations, and all good progressives have accepted the idea that there is an LGBTQIA2S+++ community and that laws that harm one tiny component of this hypothetical community are actually hurting many millions of people. This lumping has also made it easier to convince people that trans is the new gay and that all who call themselves "queer" are marginalized and persecuted. How can so many people be duped by this tactic?
Public blasphemy affirming sex reality does have real costs to our bodies and psyches on many levels, as so many of us know. I sure know, and the knots in my neck sure know. Sometimes I have wondered if it has been worth it, I really have. But bonding with other sane people in physical spaces as you did with the Therapy Firsters shifts the frame. And over time, the skin-thickening (and neck-unknotting) is also a very good thing in general for one's personal growth. I'm not a billionaire-ess to fund TERF TV but maybe she exists! It really is so insane as to be hysterically comical. Big-belly laughing and community with others are healing balms and a path back to joy and sanity.
“There is a freedom among those who’ve spoken up, I think, that allows them to access this nearly forgotten, shimmery thing called joy.” Totally relate to this! Last weekend the phenomenal women of Bay Area-based Women Are Real got together for a retreat. We always have a blast. If you’re a woman reading this comment and are in the Bay Area check out: https://womenarereal.org/
Just find the right audience, and cross sex ideation (and its cult) become hilarious. Like the time my crossdressing ex-husband waited for me to bring our 6 and 9 year old sons for his weekend with them, and he was sitting outside in above-the-knee leather boots (size 11, really gave him some oomph "as a woman") and a short, short mini-skirt. As usual, to avoid his accusations of promiscuity on my part, I was wearing a calf-length, tan denim skirt and modest, loose short sleeved sweater. Some dude was chatting him up, and the thought bubbles above my head had a little race: should I tell him about those dudes in front of our children or give our sons some cash to buy sweets at Connecticut Muffins, the coffeehouse we'd agreed as the meeting place. Because when he came to pick them up at my new place, he'd swan in and suggest we make him a cup of coffee to demonstrate what an amicable divorce this was. I have to find a new word for the level of gaslighting, especially when I found out the next week he gave our kids Pop-Tarts for breakfast--it was on their new lists of grocery requests. I wanted to say, "dears, your father has become the Pop-Tart." For relief, a butterfly video, the what-I-do-to recover, what I wish I'd had time to show my sons:
A -very- quick way exists to get rid of this gender nonsense. As a bonus, we’d get rid of all the other social pathologies infecting America: DEI, Affirmative Action, unsafe streets, open borders, defund the cops, decarceration, no-cash bail, crappy teachers/education. As a bonus we’d probably increase fertility to above-replacement.
I was there too, and I also experienced joy and peace, being among other therapists, social workers, psychologists, whistleblowers, etc. It can feel very lonely to be quietly practicing therapy as it was meant to be practiced, meeting our clients/patients with kindness and curiosity, treating them with dignity and seeing them as an individual- which is not what mainstream therapy is doing these days. I was often struck by how brave my colleagues are, as we do what we can, each day, to help our clients/patients in spite of personal risks. It truly was a privilege to be there this week. And I loved meeting you in person, Lisa 😊
Nothing exemplifies the utter brainlessness of our current timeline better than the use of the abbreviation LGBTQ and its ever-longer cousins. The headline "How Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act protects LGBTQI+ individuals" is particularly dumb and misleading. There is no mention on that page of lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or intersex individuals, because the article is completely about "gender affirming" health care.
Trans activists' ploy to lump everyone together like this has succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. Journalists, politicians, academics, corporations, and all good progressives have accepted the idea that there is an LGBTQIA2S+++ community and that laws that harm one tiny component of this hypothetical community are actually hurting many millions of people. This lumping has also made it easier to convince people that trans is the new gay and that all who call themselves "queer" are marginalized and persecuted. How can so many people be duped by this tactic?
Public blasphemy affirming sex reality does have real costs to our bodies and psyches on many levels, as so many of us know. I sure know, and the knots in my neck sure know. Sometimes I have wondered if it has been worth it, I really have. But bonding with other sane people in physical spaces as you did with the Therapy Firsters shifts the frame. And over time, the skin-thickening (and neck-unknotting) is also a very good thing in general for one's personal growth. I'm not a billionaire-ess to fund TERF TV but maybe she exists! It really is so insane as to be hysterically comical. Big-belly laughing and community with others are healing balms and a path back to joy and sanity.
It was amazing to see you at the TF retreat, Lisa! Thank you for being there!
“There is a freedom among those who’ve spoken up, I think, that allows them to access this nearly forgotten, shimmery thing called joy.” Totally relate to this! Last weekend the phenomenal women of Bay Area-based Women Are Real got together for a retreat. We always have a blast. If you’re a woman reading this comment and are in the Bay Area check out: https://womenarereal.org/
Calling on all gender-critical billionairesses!! Love it. Your Friday openings are always so good!
Just find the right audience, and cross sex ideation (and its cult) become hilarious. Like the time my crossdressing ex-husband waited for me to bring our 6 and 9 year old sons for his weekend with them, and he was sitting outside in above-the-knee leather boots (size 11, really gave him some oomph "as a woman") and a short, short mini-skirt. As usual, to avoid his accusations of promiscuity on my part, I was wearing a calf-length, tan denim skirt and modest, loose short sleeved sweater. Some dude was chatting him up, and the thought bubbles above my head had a little race: should I tell him about those dudes in front of our children or give our sons some cash to buy sweets at Connecticut Muffins, the coffeehouse we'd agreed as the meeting place. Because when he came to pick them up at my new place, he'd swan in and suggest we make him a cup of coffee to demonstrate what an amicable divorce this was. I have to find a new word for the level of gaslighting, especially when I found out the next week he gave our kids Pop-Tarts for breakfast--it was on their new lists of grocery requests. I wanted to say, "dears, your father has become the Pop-Tart." For relief, a butterfly video, the what-I-do-to recover, what I wish I'd had time to show my sons:
A -very- quick way exists to get rid of this gender nonsense. As a bonus, we’d get rid of all the other social pathologies infecting America: DEI, Affirmative Action, unsafe streets, open borders, defund the cops, decarceration, no-cash bail, crappy teachers/education. As a bonus we’d probably increase fertility to above-replacement.
Repeal the 19th Amendment.