β€œThat’s a shift. Too little, too late, you say? I disagree. If you want reform instead of perpetual culture war, you gotta give liberals and Democrats permission to defect.” πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―Well said, Lisa! And thanks to you both for this massive round-up.

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Just as an FYI, DI-Ag.org does not have chapters. It has members, whose numbers are increasing, thanks to the CO Democratic Party!

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Excellent article on the Cass Report from Helen Lewis at the Atlantic. I particularly appreciated the way she called out both the Times and WaPo (through embedded links) for the way they referred to detransitioners as RW pawns. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/cass-report-youth-gender-medicine/678031/

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Anyone else notice the two reports on BONE DENSITY contradict each other? Trans women’s bone density is so weak they are similar to women and then the headline that it isn’t affected. Of course there are details and context specific cases in each.

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How can we address male aggression and violence? They are the reason females need female-only spaces. If males would stop hurting, raping, and killing females, would we be having these discussions?

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