Thank you, Susan, for calling this to our attention. I didn't get a chance to respond earlier, but I agree whole-heartedly with you, taking steps like these make me more hopeful at the start of the year.
The gender-neutral toy law seems both unnecessary and stupid. I'm all in favor of not labeling toys by sex (i.e. "gender"), but I don't recall any time in the last 30 years that I've seen toy aisles thus labeled. And the law doesn't require that these mostly mythical boy and girl labels be removed but rather that some new area be labeled as gender-neutral, thus perpetuating the idea that just a few gender-special kids deserve not to be categorized. Apparently the law was inspired by an 8-year-old who said she didn't want anyone telling her what toys she could play with; I don't think this was exactly what she had in mind.
Hi, all: I do strongly encourage anyone who hasn’t yet to sign the petition re the WHO Guidelines Kate mentions in this article. Here’s a link to the petition: And here is SEGM’s analysis of the WHO proposal:
Thank you, Susan, for calling this to our attention. I didn't get a chance to respond earlier, but I agree whole-heartedly with you, taking steps like these make me more hopeful at the start of the year.
Here is an excellent article from Bernard Lane on the WHO guidelines issue, including extensive commentary from Dr. Erica Anderson.
The gender-neutral toy law seems both unnecessary and stupid. I'm all in favor of not labeling toys by sex (i.e. "gender"), but I don't recall any time in the last 30 years that I've seen toy aisles thus labeled. And the law doesn't require that these mostly mythical boy and girl labels be removed but rather that some new area be labeled as gender-neutral, thus perpetuating the idea that just a few gender-special kids deserve not to be categorized. Apparently the law was inspired by an 8-year-old who said she didn't want anyone telling her what toys she could play with; I don't think this was exactly what she had in mind.
I dream of the world where an 8 y.o. can cross the toy aisle without having her motives questioned...
The struggle is real, people :)
If you are in California, please help get the Protect Kids initiative on the ballot:
Thanks, as always, Kate and Alejandra, for an excellent roundup!