
"Baby girl" was harassment, "ma'am" was not.

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Haha, here, I went on an extended rant, and you sum it up in 7 words! Brilliant!

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Excellent round-up, Kate. And the Stepford reference is so apt.

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Surprised to read that males can have endometriosis.

Now, even though my father was an OB/GYN, I have only the most general notion of what endometriosis is. So I looked it up:

"Endometriosis occurs when uterine-like cells grow on or around pelvic organs," including the diaphragm, appendix, bladder, bowel, rectum, fallopian tubes and ovaries. In rare cases, they can grow on or around the: brain; eyes; nasal cavity; lungs; liver; kidneys, pancreas, skin, nerves, vagina and cervix.

The suspected cause in the 20 (!) known cases of male endometriosis is "prolonged exposure to estrogen therapy." Evidently estrogen therapy "was once a common treatment for prostate cancer."

So, guess what? Male endometriosis is caused by ... cross-hormone therapy!

But evidently we're supposed to all clap and shout out "brave" and "stunning" when told that men can get endometriosis, too.

Weird world. Very weird world.

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Some women on testosterone get prostate like glands too along with atrophy etc if I understand correctly... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32282346/

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Can you please provide us with a citation/link to where we can find the study you reference that the 20 cases of male endometriosis were caused by prolonged exposure to estrogen therapy"? I know I am going to be asked for that!

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This paper was published when there were only 16 known cases; I fudged and gave 'em 20, assuming that the claim was correct (it may or may not be, but given the denominator — 190 million — I didn't think the difference was enough to matter!)


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Here's the abstract (with my highlight):

"Endometriosis occurs when a tissue resembling endometrial glands and stroma grows in ectopic sites, commonly causing infertility and pain. This condition is most often seen in women of reproductive age, involving pelvic sites such as the ovaries, broad ligaments, uterosacral ligaments, and posterior cul-de-sac. Very rarely, endometriosis has also been found in the lower genitourinary tract of men. A 40-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with abdominal pain. Further imaging discovered a midline mass. Surgical removal of the mass and histological investigations led to the diagnosis of endometriosis. There are multiple theories on the etiology of both female and male endometriosis. ***The prevailing risk factor proposed in previous cases of male endometriosis is prolonged exposure to estrogen therapy. ***Should endometriosis become symptomatic, cessation of estrogen therapy and careful surgical intervention may successfully relieve the associated symptoms."

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I would like to know where someone can find the study/article from which these quotes are taken. Since the growths are occurring in males who have no female reproductive organs, why is this being called "endometriosis"? Also, males do not have endometrial glands, so whatever abnormal growth that males taking estrogen get must be abnormal growth of some male tissue, not abnormal growth of a uterus. "Uterine glands or endometrial glands are tubular glands, lined by a simple columnar epithelium, found in the functional layer of the endometrium that lines the uterus."

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Please see link below for paper reference and a couple of brief quotes from the study. As defined in the paper, endometriosis is the growth of uterine cells on other organs, as I understand it. And that's what they are identifying. Please see link below. Thanks.

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I'll just add that some theorize these rare male cases might be due to the influence of estrogen on remnant embryonic stem cells which can then be morphed into new types of cells, like the endometrial cells they're seeing under the microscope. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5833878/

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

Thanks, Kate, and Alejandra, for another great round-up. As to the 11th C case and also the Macy’s parade, I can only say I am sick and tired of all the airwaves that are being taken up by made-up minorities and the enormous energy, time, and expense required to fight back against real harms being done by these narcissistic folks and their performative collaborators, which in turn gins up another set of crazies, solving nothing. Re the 11th C case, I question why this became a costly court case going all the way up the line to make yet more bad law, rather than a management issue addressed within the institution locally. I used to do court-related mediation within the NYS court system. This is where the court system wisely determined that the dispute didn’t really belong in the court system and referred it out to mediation. That should have happened in this case. Generally, as a society, we have our priorities exactly upside down. It’s women and girls and families caught in the gender net who are being thrown under the bus, along with so many people in the world who are truly suffering. The world is on fire in so many ways, literally and figuratively, and here we are, forced to be hyper focused on b**lsh*t foisted on the many by a tiny, incredibly selfish, few.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

In re my rant above, Jo Bartosch is brilliant in this article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/11/17/the-myth-behind-transgender-day-of-remembrance/

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What's happening in the UK is proof positive that faith, not evidence, powers the cult of the trans child.

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

Lovely quote to open! Makes me want to check out Strindberg's work! I am busily sharing some of what you've collected here with a psychologist I know who's attending an online discussion about the trans issue in a forum for Psychotherapists. After watching the Shellenberger speech from GenSpect's latest conference, I'm trying to share as much as I can with others about this. We've got to break through this false consensus before we are all forced to live as glassy-eyed Stepford wives!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

In Australia, Transgender Awareness Week is here, complete with brightsiding of the affirmation-only model of youth gender medicine and attempted erasure of detransitioners.


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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

I find the meme's depiction of Liberal Feminist to be offensive. It clearly depicts a gorgeous transwoman. No dragon (or woman) who is a Liberal Feminist could ever be as gorgeous as a transwoman!

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Nov 17, 2023Liked by K. Parker

Thanks Kate Parker ❤️

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Thanks for your work.

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I am a 76 year old lesbian in Portland, Oregon, who would love to have a glass of wine with you when you are here. You can text me at 971-336-3035 or email me at hollymhart@gmail.com

I have no idea what you mean when you (or the meme) refers to Lesbian Feminism, even though I was a second wave feminist and started Portland Gay Liberation with two gay men in 1970, which was the first lesbian and gay male activist organization in Oregon, and managed Old Wives' Tales Restaurant from 1980 to 2014, which was a gathering places for lesbians and second wave feminists. I have also been active in lesbian social and political organizing since 1970. I am now a radical feminist activist. What do you (or the meme) mean by Lesbian Feminism?

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Yay! I'll email you and see if we can work out a time! I didn't know what the meme meant by lesbian feminism either beyond the image implication of it being badass, but I looked it up, and it is indeed a separate branch of the feminist movement that questioned some of the sexism of the early gay rights movement, questions heteronormativity, and sees lesbianism as the natural outcome for enlightened feminists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesbian_feminism

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The Navy Seal-Proud Boys story sounds a lot like the Posey Parker - Neo-Nazi story. We'll see.

I would not believe anything a trans activist says about alleged "harassment" they were subject to. Their standards of truth and reality are not the same as actual truth and reality.

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Have a Happy Thanksgiving! I'll be swinging quickly through Portland to grab my son and his family to get them OUT of Portland for the weekend. I'm 2.5 hours NW in the Oyster Capitol of the World. As quaint as it is, the Woo-Woo is here too, just not as pervasive. 🥂 A toast, to you and yours!

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