Jack Turban was STILL in training and he just passed he’s Peds psych boards a year ago. He just finished his first year as an attending physician. He’s a friggin baby. He was a Peds psychiatry fellow (meaning he was doing his training in Peds psych). He was a boarded psychiatrist but he just passed his Peds psychiatry boards LAST YEAR! And the fact that anyone thinks he’s an experts infuriates me to no end. He was head fellow at Stanford (meaning he was the top dog in training). He gets by on his charm & snake oil self-promotion. Narcissism gets thrown around a lot these days but if you look up NPD there’s a definitely picture of Turbs...he’s the poster boy for a narcissistic doctor.

Before he passed his Peds psychiatry boards I wrote to every medium using him as an “expert” and pointed that out that he was NOT boarded in Peds Psych bc it infuriated when I read his dumb studies, & BS experience with teens. Of course he’s smart and clever and good at spray tans and flag emojis but he looks 12. I haven’t seen the NYTS use him as an expert in a long time...he did cancel his Times subscription when they didn’t publish “his letter to the editor” on his expert stance on the safety of puberty blockers. They chose to publish a letter from an actual Endocrinologist who was very concerned about the dangers of puberty blockers. Turbs claims the Times “ghosted him”. Also, everyone in gender medicine knew he didn’t know jack...what a joke of an expert. It appears from his CV that he’s spent more time promoting himself as an expert at Stanford than actually learning about kids.

I get the feeling he cares more about his designer dog, working out at the gym and sipping apple martinis and being a famous expert than he does his patients...obviously he would NEVER give his dog a referral for T.

Can we acknowledge he has no training in endocrinology so why is anyone asking a psychiatrist about side effects of T? Or puberty blockers? Seriously. He probably doesn’t WANT to know the side effects bc he’s a true believer and if ignores side effects...he’s off the hook.

What a poseur and it’s so scary he’s gotten this far with a bleached toothed grin & a great sales pitch. This is what happens when smart people use their power for evil.

I can’t believe no one thought to ask “when did finish your boards Jack and how long have you been an attending physician”? A year max? What a jerk. I can’t believe anyone takes flag emojis in a Dr’s bio seriously as a credential. Stanford! Harvard! Yale! UCSF! should be ashamed this is the kind of doc they trained...UCSF....this is on you now for hiring this jerk. How many kids are getting a “self ID’d psych eval” from this mofo? I have a dream...that one day Jack Turban will only be able to find work as a prison psychiatrist...In Mississippi. Then he’ll get fired and have to pump gas while wearing a a beer stained wife beater...and chewing tobacco to help the time pass.

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Omg! You have crystallized every thought and opinion I have about Turban! He is an utter and absolute disgrace and I look forward to the time when he is relegated to the dustbin of history as a narcissistic and evil charlatan!

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It is kind of a fun hobby to make fun of him.

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"This is what happens when smart people use their power for evil."

Dr. Turban finds his niche. After the great capitulation of the suits to Trump I have come to see the world differently. Ideas are secondary to power and status. In this instance, Turban has found a role to play that will enhance his project of self-aggrandizement. Riding the wave of fame takes precedence over the collateral damage of other people's lives.

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The wheels of justice grind slow, but exceedingly fine.

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Everyone reading this should take time to write letters to editors to any medium using Jack T MD as an “expert”. I wrote “ Jack Turban has not passed his Peds psych boards over & over and sent that about 10 news sources in one single day. Took me maybe an hour. Now I would write “Jack Turban ONLY has ONE year out of training, he’s NOT an experienced doc”. No kids of his own & that does matter.

If you see a turban article…send a letter. I was so angry last year when I started learning about the dark underbelly of Peds gender medicine I couldn’t sleep unless I’d spent 3-4 hours on writing to media, dr’sx teachers, etc. The rage fueled me. Sometimes I would spend 40-50 hours on this…i could not stop bc i enraged. I just couldn’t believe a Peds psychiatrist was going to push T on my daughter & re-write her whole childhood to fit HIS narrative. Now I can I breathe but I keep thinking about the parents who are getting emotionally blackmailed right now by these “drs”. Today …some mother is getting told it’s T or a completed suicide. This is the cruelest way to manipulate parents & kids & so dangerous we have to stop it. STAT

I’m exhausted. Tbh I couldn’t even finish reading this piece bc it made me so upset.

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I am with you all the way!

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This series is so good and well supported. Many thanks. The medical profession must train its adherents better in terms of critical thinking and challenging published data. Individuals like Turban need to be censored.

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Anyone who reads his “studies” and has a high school level ability to understand stats...can tell his “studies” are a little bit less reliable than a Cosmo horoscope...at least horoscopes are more fun and less dangerous. I were teaching a grad school class on research studies, I would make the class pick apart a turban study...as an example of poor quality research. JAMA Peds is a worthless medical journal.

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How dare Jack T pose as an endo expert, a surgery expert & act like he understands kids AT ALL except in a clinical setting. I really am concerned about the parents who have to listen to this jerk “explain” their kids to them. Imagine the emotional blackmail he’s doing to parents rt now.

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Another excellent installment, and thank you, also, for collecting such a good set of links on Turban’s pseudoscience. I thought this observation of yours was particularly important: “The plaintiffs got away with it because the judge qualified these witnesses as experts in everything they said and Arkansas didn’t object when their opinions weren’t based on reliable principles or methods (or cross-examine them about their biases and conflicts of interest).”

Also dismaying is the failure of the judge to credit Stephen Levine’s testimony at all. Levine has done an excellent job, so far as I know, in giving expert testimony, so I would be interested in learning more about what you think happened in this case. I assume part of this was the judge’s bias, but suspect also Arkansas’s overall poor performance played a part as well.

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We'll come back to Levine. The judge's bias is a huge part of this story (though Arkansas could have done a better job preserving the record for appeal).

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I look forward to that!

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Levine is an actual seasoned expert...someone should have asked Jack...how many kids has he actually seen in clinic & how is fellow in training « an expert »? Seriously. Why didn’t the judge know Jack is a kid. Idk understand law Susan. Can you explain it?

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Haha, I think the problem is not the law per se, but some of those who practice it. I’m keen to get Unyielding Bicyclists take overall on this very question.

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I check Turban’s online activity every once in a while. Recently he posted the HuffPost article “Inside The Cottage Industry Of ‘Experts’ Paid To Defend Anti-Trans Laws.” The entire article is a take on one of the trans activists’ preferred arguments: everyone who challenges this ostensibly morally superior and technically unfalsifiable worldview does so because they are religious zealots.

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All ad hominem attacks. Once one deals with facts it becomes clearer that these " anti trans" people seem to be more in favor of giving these young people appropriate support than those rushing them to unsupported medical intervention.

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Here's a suggestion for getting the truth out in "woke" Park Slope, Brooklyn, where your typical millennial working as a barista never heard of detransitioners, never heard of regret, assumes these teen girls have been in extensive, quality therapy prior to drastic double mastectomies and risk of iatrogenic testosterone damage. Get copies of Trans, When Ideology Meets Reality, or Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier, or Sex Change by Christine Benvenuto, or my trans widow memoir, In the Curated Woods. In this clip, I place a signed copy with messages about detransitioner malpractice suits in the back flap. This was across from PS 107, where I taught for 3 years, deep granola nut bar woke territory, also very gentrified. Overnight this 10 seconds got 2,245 views:


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Thank you!

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If I were the judge I would have asked Turbs:

1. How much Endocrinology training do you have Turbs? ZERO

2. How much experience do you have you being an attending physician? ZERO

3. Are you considered an expert in the field of Peds psychiatry? YES I self-identify as an expert.

4. Is that a real tan? NO...no but it’s Clarins (made in France)

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lol, Clarins self-tanner (I actually LOVE that stuff lol again)

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Me too! 🤠

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I don’t understand why Arkansas didn’t object to the “experts” testimony? What’s the sense of why this didn’t happen when it seems clear from how you laid it, that they should have been?

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If the hearing was like Texas and I do not know if it was, each side had a limited amount of time and did not use any of it to challenge the expertness of the witnesses. Wish they would, but the AGs do not have the prep time for each case that the ACLU which has been "working" this issue for ages.

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As a note, this should be watched. Note especially how solicitous and meek Trevor Noah is.....


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