(Can someone please explain to me how a court of law can establish facts which do not stand up to reality? These testimonies are full of incorrect statements and I don't see how a judge would have any way of understanding what was true. Can a court determine that 2+2 = 5 and have that used henceforth?)
"“Not all adolescents with gender dysphoria will live to age 18 if they are unable to get gender-affirming medical treatment,” the judge stated in his Findings of Fact."
In addition to the great essays linked above, there was also an open letter to the President of the Endocrine Society published in the Wall Street Journal (where the President of the Endocrine Society had made claims about medical intervention).
Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence --signed by 21 experts from 9 countries.
It noted, in particular, that:
“Dr. Hammes’s claim that gender transition reduces suicides is contradicted by every systematic review, including the review published by the Endocrine Society, which states, “We could not draw any conclusions about death by suicide.” There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure. “
These people should be watching Alexander L and TullipR youtube channels, about male detransition after years of hormones and post surgery. These men are in their 30s, made the decisions after feeling distressed about same sex attractions and now deal with the fact that their penis is gone, as are their testicles, they want no contact with their surgeons and thus live with the breast implants, though wanting their masculinity back. Both tried replacing the testosterone their bodies can no longer produce, but noticed that the tube made from their penile material, now inserted inside, somewhere near the bladder, reacts to the exogenous T, and that (ersatz "vagina") becomes stiff. Makes sense that tissue is XY and the intact normal penis has erections when testosterone is in play. Can any doctor at all think things through? Link to Alexander L channel for this exact conversation between Alexander and Ritchie Herron, who both believe autism is a co-existing factor for them:
This is precisely why I don't think that the current situation can be resolved by conservatives alone. Parents like the ones in this article would welcome a challenge of fighting "horrible draconian laws". I am sure they'd be delighted to form their underground railroad of hormones , if they can't get them legally. There are already DIY transitinon reddit for adults. The laws ARE important but just as important is for decent thinking people on the left to start speaking out. For doctors and journalists to start speaking out. We need to change minds , not just the laws.
Parents probably think they are doing their due diligence doing a Google search with many not realizing how wrapped up major companies are in actively supporting (promoting) gender ideology, specifically trans ideology. Nearly every result from searching on GAC for children is affirm, elevate, and celebrate. Anything critical or even not fully in support is buried in the search results, down several scrolls or pages of glowing coverage. You have to know what/who to look for and look beyond the campaign to silence and denigrate anyone who opposes or even questions The Ideology.
If I didn’t know any better, from a cursory Google search (and they aren’t the only ones), I’d assume there is no controversy, the science is settled, I’d head to the nearest gender clinic and get a PB script for my child! Any move other than that and I’m a monster, abuser, and definitely a bigot set on genociding trans youth.
The last few sentences really struck me. When my older identified as trans, I remember being anxious whenever my little one said no to a dress. I forced myself to stop this madness, but these were real panic moments, not because I thought she was trans (I don't believe in innate "trans kids", obviously), but because I was afraid she might later use this to justify transitioning. Parents who know anything about transitioning are scared because they know the challenges (horrors, at times) that transitioning leads to, psychologically and physiologically. Even the affirming ones, as the article notes, first have to brainwash themselves to believe that the alternative is worse (using the crooked suicide stats).
If an adolescent develops disordered eating and declares that she is fat despite weighing 85 lbs and having protruding bones, would these parents buy laxatives, diuretics and pursue bariatric surgery in order to affirm the delusion? SAME THING!!!
I add my voice to the chorus of praise for your hard and good work on unearthing what happened in this case. Thank you so much for this, and for the excellent links. This series continues to be invaluable. In this round, I appreciated so many things, but will point out two: first, the description of conversations you have had with friends who are parents; second, pointing out the diabolical impact of algorithms, as a result of which parents can think they are doing good research, when all that is really happening is the pseudoscience gets reinforced.
On the former, we had a recent conversation with a lesbian friend, in her 90s, solid D, that went something like this:
We noted the issue of detransitioners, and how they were ignored by the Dems in a hearing. This is what happened from there (roughly):
Friend: Yes, but how often does that happen?
Both of us: the numbers aren’t clear, but it’s well more than one--and even if just one, it should never happen.
Friend: my son (he is gay, lives in CA) has friends, both gay men, married, and their child, Zara, is trans and is doing fine. She’s known she was trans from when she was little. Though a boy, she always wanted to wear dresses.
Me: in a thought bubble, does she even hear what she is saying?
Josie (in a mode Lisa might appreciate), said, out loud, “transing children is child abuse!”
Friend: becomes silent.
Me: recovering my wits a little: you know, the numbers of children who have claimed they are trans has skyrocketed, and the demographic has completely changed. Whereas it used to be a very few young boys, now it’s overwhelmingly girls, many of who show no signs of this until they are adolescent.
Josie chimes in here, too, with her vast knowledge about child development. (We had previously sent our friend both Josie’s published articles on this.)
Friend: now quietly, well that’s different.
Me: a good book to read on this is Time to Think. (I describe who Hannah Barnes is, her impeccable BBC credentials, etc.) I’ll send you the information.
Aftermath: I sent her the interview Hadley Freeman did with Hannah Barnes in the London Times, along with two articles in the Economist that addressed the book and the general pediatric/young adult trans issues.
I received an email back from our friend stating she found the articles, particularly the interview, illuminating.
I have no idea what that meant, but I did not press. I thought, maybe let her sit with this new information until our next live conversation.
Thank you for another informative Brandt Files, for a glimpse into the courtroom, and for the resources at the end (I'd add Gender: A Wider Lens, and the Parents of ROGD groups via Our Duty). And, thank you for your practice of having those conversations with friends who are parents. I'm thinking back to the early days of my family's struggle with this and trying to imagine a friend saying, at any point, as you did, "your kid's not trans". My kid was in high school and my neighborhood is deep blue; it didn't (wouldn't) happen. Maybe today. I hope so. I'm the one trying to offer that perspective now (which is not always welcomed).
Just FYI, in June Jack Turban published a study that deals with the topic of disclosure to parents: Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults.
Mr. Bicyclist and fellow readers, Some may have heard/read the Missouri decision to extend medical liability on certain "gender affirming procedures" to 15 years. In response Washington U. discontinued medical/hormonal treatment of children.
The trans activist Erin Reed reports on this below....Can any of you examine the accuracy of Reed's statements and reading of the Missouri law?
Don't these parents ever say "Sorry, we can't afford that" or "Our insurance doesn't cover that"? I'm guessing not, because trans seems to be a trend with the well-off, at least in the West.
It's considered medically necessary care. I believe most insurance covers it. And if the insurance the parents have doesn't, there are plenty of organizations willing to "help." (If the parents aren't all in, the MDs collude against them and against their child's best interests, just like other sorts of predators might.)
One of the men who had surgery inappropriately in Oregon (Frank) noted that many in the homeless population were being invited in and egged on for lots of procedures.
This have been a full scale propaganda campaign and thankfully some parents like you are skeptical enough to dig deeper. It is disheartening to think about the role that companies like Google have in perpetuating this ideology.
(Can someone please explain to me how a court of law can establish facts which do not stand up to reality? These testimonies are full of incorrect statements and I don't see how a judge would have any way of understanding what was true. Can a court determine that 2+2 = 5 and have that used henceforth?)
"“Not all adolescents with gender dysphoria will live to age 18 if they are unable to get gender-affirming medical treatment,” the judge stated in his Findings of Fact."
In addition to the great essays linked above, there was also an open letter to the President of the Endocrine Society published in the Wall Street Journal (where the President of the Endocrine Society had made claims about medical intervention).
Youth Gender Transition Is Pushed Without Evidence --signed by 21 experts from 9 countries.
It noted, in particular, that:
“Dr. Hammes’s claim that gender transition reduces suicides is contradicted by every systematic review, including the review published by the Endocrine Society, which states, “We could not draw any conclusions about death by suicide.” There is no reliable evidence to suggest that hormonal transition is an effective suicide-prevention measure. “
Thank you for these analyses!
These people should be watching Alexander L and TullipR youtube channels, about male detransition after years of hormones and post surgery. These men are in their 30s, made the decisions after feeling distressed about same sex attractions and now deal with the fact that their penis is gone, as are their testicles, they want no contact with their surgeons and thus live with the breast implants, though wanting their masculinity back. Both tried replacing the testosterone their bodies can no longer produce, but noticed that the tube made from their penile material, now inserted inside, somewhere near the bladder, reacts to the exogenous T, and that (ersatz "vagina") becomes stiff. Makes sense that tissue is XY and the intact normal penis has erections when testosterone is in play. Can any doctor at all think things through? Link to Alexander L channel for this exact conversation between Alexander and Ritchie Herron, who both believe autism is a co-existing factor for them:
This is precisely why I don't think that the current situation can be resolved by conservatives alone. Parents like the ones in this article would welcome a challenge of fighting "horrible draconian laws". I am sure they'd be delighted to form their underground railroad of hormones , if they can't get them legally. There are already DIY transitinon reddit for adults. The laws ARE important but just as important is for decent thinking people on the left to start speaking out. For doctors and journalists to start speaking out. We need to change minds , not just the laws.
This is about 3 minutes long...Helen Joyce. Watch:
Parents probably think they are doing their due diligence doing a Google search with many not realizing how wrapped up major companies are in actively supporting (promoting) gender ideology, specifically trans ideology. Nearly every result from searching on GAC for children is affirm, elevate, and celebrate. Anything critical or even not fully in support is buried in the search results, down several scrolls or pages of glowing coverage. You have to know what/who to look for and look beyond the campaign to silence and denigrate anyone who opposes or even questions The Ideology.
If I didn’t know any better, from a cursory Google search (and they aren’t the only ones), I’d assume there is no controversy, the science is settled, I’d head to the nearest gender clinic and get a PB script for my child! Any move other than that and I’m a monster, abuser, and definitely a bigot set on genociding trans youth.
The last few sentences really struck me. When my older identified as trans, I remember being anxious whenever my little one said no to a dress. I forced myself to stop this madness, but these were real panic moments, not because I thought she was trans (I don't believe in innate "trans kids", obviously), but because I was afraid she might later use this to justify transitioning. Parents who know anything about transitioning are scared because they know the challenges (horrors, at times) that transitioning leads to, psychologically and physiologically. Even the affirming ones, as the article notes, first have to brainwash themselves to believe that the alternative is worse (using the crooked suicide stats).
If an adolescent develops disordered eating and declares that she is fat despite weighing 85 lbs and having protruding bones, would these parents buy laxatives, diuretics and pursue bariatric surgery in order to affirm the delusion? SAME THING!!!
I add my voice to the chorus of praise for your hard and good work on unearthing what happened in this case. Thank you so much for this, and for the excellent links. This series continues to be invaluable. In this round, I appreciated so many things, but will point out two: first, the description of conversations you have had with friends who are parents; second, pointing out the diabolical impact of algorithms, as a result of which parents can think they are doing good research, when all that is really happening is the pseudoscience gets reinforced.
On the former, we had a recent conversation with a lesbian friend, in her 90s, solid D, that went something like this:
We noted the issue of detransitioners, and how they were ignored by the Dems in a hearing. This is what happened from there (roughly):
Friend: Yes, but how often does that happen?
Both of us: the numbers aren’t clear, but it’s well more than one--and even if just one, it should never happen.
Friend: my son (he is gay, lives in CA) has friends, both gay men, married, and their child, Zara, is trans and is doing fine. She’s known she was trans from when she was little. Though a boy, she always wanted to wear dresses.
Me: in a thought bubble, does she even hear what she is saying?
Josie (in a mode Lisa might appreciate), said, out loud, “transing children is child abuse!”
Friend: becomes silent.
Me: recovering my wits a little: you know, the numbers of children who have claimed they are trans has skyrocketed, and the demographic has completely changed. Whereas it used to be a very few young boys, now it’s overwhelmingly girls, many of who show no signs of this until they are adolescent.
Josie chimes in here, too, with her vast knowledge about child development. (We had previously sent our friend both Josie’s published articles on this.)
Friend: now quietly, well that’s different.
Me: a good book to read on this is Time to Think. (I describe who Hannah Barnes is, her impeccable BBC credentials, etc.) I’ll send you the information.
Aftermath: I sent her the interview Hadley Freeman did with Hannah Barnes in the London Times, along with two articles in the Economist that addressed the book and the general pediatric/young adult trans issues.
I received an email back from our friend stating she found the articles, particularly the interview, illuminating.
I have no idea what that meant, but I did not press. I thought, maybe let her sit with this new information until our next live conversation.
The brainwashing is so pervasive, and the stories quite compelling, so difficult to refute "lived experience". Just today Pro Publica published this: https://www.propublica.org/article/north-carolina-gender-affirming-care-coverage-federal-appeal
The ACLU has become a homophobic hate organization.
Thank you for another informative Brandt Files, for a glimpse into the courtroom, and for the resources at the end (I'd add Gender: A Wider Lens, and the Parents of ROGD groups via Our Duty). And, thank you for your practice of having those conversations with friends who are parents. I'm thinking back to the early days of my family's struggle with this and trying to imagine a friend saying, at any point, as you did, "your kid's not trans". My kid was in high school and my neighborhood is deep blue; it didn't (wouldn't) happen. Maybe today. I hope so. I'm the one trying to offer that perspective now (which is not always welcomed).
Just FYI, in June Jack Turban published a study that deals with the topic of disclosure to parents: Age of Realization and Disclosure of Gender Identity Among Transgender Adults.
Mr. Bicyclist and fellow readers, Some may have heard/read the Missouri decision to extend medical liability on certain "gender affirming procedures" to 15 years. In response Washington U. discontinued medical/hormonal treatment of children.
The trans activist Erin Reed reports on this below....Can any of you examine the accuracy of Reed's statements and reading of the Missouri law?
Don't these parents ever say "Sorry, we can't afford that" or "Our insurance doesn't cover that"? I'm guessing not, because trans seems to be a trend with the well-off, at least in the West.
It's considered medically necessary care. I believe most insurance covers it. And if the insurance the parents have doesn't, there are plenty of organizations willing to "help." (If the parents aren't all in, the MDs collude against them and against their child's best interests, just like other sorts of predators might.)
One of the men who had surgery inappropriately in Oregon (Frank) noted that many in the homeless population were being invited in and egged on for lots of procedures.
This have been a full scale propaganda campaign and thankfully some parents like you are skeptical enough to dig deeper. It is disheartening to think about the role that companies like Google have in perpetuating this ideology.