“as though being a pediatrician gave her a bird’s eye view of the human life cycle”

This woman is not a pediatrician. It’s important to point out that pediatricians. She didn’t do a pediatric residency (3 years training). She did internal med+ endo+ peds endo fellowship. Her training was not pediatric centered until her final year of fellowship.

Im assuming she was hand picked by the prosecution to say exactly what they want her to say and she was prepped and vetted obviously by the attorneys. They would have never picked a doctor (like a Dr. Julia Mason, a pediatrician) who admitted all the facts and non-existence of research. This doc got paid to say exactly this.

Obviously, doing about 6 years of post medical school training didn’t seem to give her much expertise in critical thinking, and I think she forgot about her “first do no harm” oath.

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Pediatricians usually go into Peds bc they like the patient population and they get to have long term relationships with their patients and enjoy primary care & seeing their patients grow from babies into adulthood. They are usually the lowest paid docs. Peds Endos don’t have that long term patient primary care relationship.

By the time a healthy kid is referred to an endocrinologist...they are going for one thing...medical interventions like puberty blockers or testosterone, etc. I don’t know why this is important to say but my pediatrician has known my since kids since they were babies, he remembers all their stages of development, he remembers when my son broke his collarbone skateboarding and he hospitalized my daughter for pneumonia. My point is he knows our family. He know me and my husband. He also knows to NEVER discuss medical interventions with me or my daughter now and he’s a smart underpaid, overworked doc. This Dr. what’s~her name doesn’t have that long term relationship with patients and their families.

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Thanks for your clarification of the training for pediatric endos. At this point I wouldn’t trust one of these Dr Frankensteins to make me a coffee, let alone touch my kids. (Dr Will Malone is an honorable exception.)

The big issue here is that endos have just one tool--hormones--so every problem before them gets hormones. It’s the old saw: when your only tool is a hammer, every problem is therefore a nail.

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They probably feed their dogs organically grown farm to table gourmet dog food and they treat their Peds patients like they are factory farm animals. How do these docs sleep at night? And they KNOW the kids aren’t even getting good psych evaluations they just don’t care bc they took their science hats off and didn’t even bother reading studies…just abstracts and recommendations, this doc probably trusts JAMA Peds and the NEJM awful non-peer reviewed-no control group-2 completed suicides…NIH funded Joanna Olsen-BULLY -Kennedy “study”.

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I think it's worse than just reading the abstracts. Most people know that pretty much any medical intervention has some side effects. Can you imagine an oncologist reading an abstract about new chemotherapy, seeing "no side effects" and taking it a a face value? Even f you are sure the treatment is life-saving (which gender affirming care is not), you still will not just blindly believe "no side effects" if you have a trace of honesty and decency .

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It’s pretty common for physicians to just read the introduction and conclusion of an article, and skip the methods and results, the actual “meat “ of the study. Specialists reading in their field do, of course, have an obligation to do better. However, I really fault the editorial board at NEJM for allowing 2 suicides in 315 patients to get described as a good mental health outcome . And if I remember correctly, giving a low percentage for “suicidality”, with no description of what that meant. It was a shoddy and biased article describing an important, federally funded study. Medical professionals and gender diverse kids deserve better.

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It was even worse...they gave 8 scales at the beginning of treatment...including the suicidality scale and REFUSE to release the results of the 2nd suicidality scale results post treatments this is criminal. If they found higher suicidality scores post cross sex hormones interventions (I’m making an educated the scores were worse)! there is a reason they refuse to release the second scale results along with 5 other scales they hid & this is gross negligence.

If they found increased suicidality and hid it from the public they need to go to prison. This is a pediatric population and they used hypothesis after results are known...any grad students would fail if they pulled this manoeuvre. And this got published in the most prestigious medical journal in the world...NEJM. And they didn’t allow comments. This was a tax payer funded study and a smart investigative journalist needs to find the results all the scales. And only one thing they admitted in the intro was 2 COMPLETED SUICIDES. I was seething when I read this. And they did not even try to explain why most of the study group were biological girls.

Who wants to force the NIH to expose the “missing scales”. This is public tax payer funds they are using. The thing that makes me so mad is they get away with it...right out in the open they don’t even try to hide this. They don’t and they don’t have to try to explain themselves bc they are protected by the President of United States and the media. But with women like Erin Friday on the beat...tick tock

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Yes, and yes. I’m not sure why I am more angry at the NEJM than the researchers, but I am. I think those involved in gender care are so invested in believing they are doing the right thing, they can’t see any other option. But a peer reviewed journal should insist on integrity in reporting the results.

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Yes he is and he would be a great medical expert for malpractice lawsuits. We have to give the docs who spoke out for caution before anyone else. He & Dr. Julia Mason deserve credit as the first docs speak up for kids and have the moral courage to sign their real names. Drs need to come out of the shadows and quit saying “they want to they are concerned but scared”.

Once more docs from any field of medicine find their backbones this will end.

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I think these doctors care only for the dollars. They happily do “top surgery” and” bottom surgery “” For the hundreds of thousands of dollars that it costs. These doctors are despicable, and they should lose their licenses.

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I think the point about hammers and nails is super important. Physicians in general have limited tools to deal with emotional distress: medications, specialty referrals, etc. I think there is a temptation to use the available tools, especially when the medical journals, etc, are pushing that. Getting good research done, and accurate information published about the research is key.

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"Bird's eye view".... more like a bird-brain view.

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🤣🤣 I really needed a laugh

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I found her comments. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

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Every time I read about kids in this whole bizarre saga, I find myself thinking that really, the "trans" mania is mostly about uncomfortable feelings—and contemporary children's seeming inability to deal with even slight discomfort.

The flip side: If the measure of "success" is that girls are in a "good mood" and "over the moon" after having allowed their bodies to have been permanently altered by the removal of healthy tissue, then clearly part of the problem is that parents and "experts" have become convinced that the most important factor in a child's life is that they never "feel bad."

Wow. Such a stark difference from what I've learned in meditation, which is all about trying to remain present in the moment, regardless of what's happening, and recognizing that all things—including thoughts and feelings as well as sounds, sensations, light and shadow—are simply arising and falling away in consciousness. All is impermanent, and it's attachment to anything ("I'm uncomfortable mom!") that causes dukkha, or suffering.

In other words, trans treatment for kids is what you might call anti-resilience. Or so it seems to me.

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To clarify, this is a doctor who says sterilizing children chemically castrating them (the only way to block puberty, there is no other folks) makes them happy.

If a dentist pulled all the teeth from a child and declares the child is happy because they’d never suffer from cavities or the annoyance of brushing teeth, we be horrified.

If a podiatrist removed all the nails from a child and declares them psychologically improved because they’d never suffer from a hangnail, fungal

Infection or the annoyance of trimming nails, we’d be horrified.

We aren’t horrified when a doctor surgically removes part of a sex organ of a male child so they can keep their penis cleaner, and “be happier”.

We are hearing doctors sterilize children. Chemical castration.

I wish all legislation simply read that castration of children is illegal under penalty of lifetime in prison.

In the 50’s “psychosurgery” doctors said lobotomizing aggressive women made them happy. The fact that the children are stunted, subject to debilitating chronic illness in later years and complete removal is sexual response is not mentioned. Similarly, the fact that lobotomized patients were incontinent, could not function independently, and lost the ability to reason or speak, well that’s an aside.

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I agree with everything here but let’s admit that removing a part of a baby’s penis is an unnecessary and invasive procedure called plastic surgery. Men love their foreskins. There’s a huge amount of nerve endings and much sexual pleasure from foreskins.

They are natural and beautiful.

Stop plastic surgery on babies.

If one’s religion insists on this that is not my topic.


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It's mine.


Leave babies' genitals alone!!!

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The comparison with lobotomies is well taken. The difference is that they were probably not as many lobotomies as there are child mutilations now! it is high time is it all of this becomes illegal. It is high time that all the doctors doing these hormone treatments and surgeries on children with mental problems be arrested or have they licenses withdrawn!

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My child was upset with having to deal

With teeth, and daily brushing as well as managing flossing had reached a crisis stage. She had so many friends who were on a spectrum of adentate, transdentate to dentate-questioning… she accused me of being transdentatephobic when I said she had a toothy smile she should be happy with. The final straw was when she ripped out her braces, and through an ADA website as well as TikTok found an oral affirmation dentist, and now with no teeth, she feels more like herself, not ATAB - Assigned Dentate at Birth.

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Haha! Funny but really sad!

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That pediatrician should lose her license. She has mental problems if she thinks she is helping by preventing a child from growing up. My heart breaks for that 24 year old, who I doubt is going to law or medical school but will be stuck in dysphorialand forever.

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By the time an endo sees a pediatric patient for puberty blockers…the patient has already been given the “psych eval” so they have green-light to treat without questioning any gender dysphoria diagnosis (they can blame whoever gave the psych evaluation…this doc is off the hook for future regret) bc an “expert in gender dysphoria” has screened the paraient so she has that free pass to treat a kid with puberty blockers bc it’s not on the doc to do the psych evaluation. I don’t think there is anyone I detest more than a physician who takes a perfectly healthy kid…and gives them experimental drugs and calls it a day.

She’s treated 12 patients ever with PB…what is she 35 years old? A primary care doc could easily see 20+ patients in one day. This is NOT an expert. I’m not an attorney but I think I could grill her for the defense. They should let moms be the expert defense questioners for this mofo.

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Thank-you for this report. The harms of this so-called medical treatment blow my mind. Every time I read details of what happens to kids on these so-called medicines ... I just cannot understand how any ethical medical professional would support sterilization of kids.

I cannot understand how any pediatric clinician would believe that a young child is absolutely sure they 1) don't want to orgasm ever in their lives, 2) do not want to procreate, and 3) do not want to breast-feed.

Those assumptions are mind-boggling in their stupidity. What child is actively desiring to have sex, procreate & lactate. Those desire are not developmentally normal in children. ... The errors in logic here are soooooooooooo fundamental that they fly under the radar screen.

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It’s horrific...no one in the public would support any of this if they had the facts. Not even the democrats but it’s so dark that it’s hard to believe it. Until it visited my family I’d never even heard of a puberty blocker. Dems better start listening to Erin Friday.

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Sadly, most Democrats are for this, which is why we need to vote them out!

I know Democrats who will for the first time vote Republican! The trans cult is such a small minority, that politicians need to separate themselves from it!

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" The operation has killed at least one teenager."

To be more specific this was one of the 70 teenagers in the two Dutch studies, the main evidence based cited for improvement in the endocrine society guidelines (de Vries 2011 had 70 kid's results on puberty blockers, de Vries 2014 had 55 after the additional surgery and hormones....for some reason this MTF didn't return the 1 year follow up survey, oh right dying of surgical complications). This study and long term outcomes of many patients taken apart in abbruzzese et Al 2023, the myth of reliability....

But again 1/70 patients died as a consequence of treatment in the key study used to justify these interventions.

The patients are being very much misinformed.

Intense hatred of a body part normally means checking for body dysmorphic disorder, these patients aren't. Surgery usually does not work for bdd. People start hating another body part or their mental health continues to be very compromised.

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The dark ages include child sacrifice, ritualized genital mutilation, witch doctors, and corrupt banal judges.

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The 'dark ages' also included the 'witch' hunts and the murder of up to 6 million women with healing knowledge! These 'witch' hunts continue today. I call this the holocaust against sane women.

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Good point.

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I’ve interviewed 25+ docs and none of them can believe what’s happening with this gender Peds bunk science. I think getting the word out to physicians who don’t know about this is key.

First they don’t know to be scared to speak out. I intervened my cousin who is a cardiologist and he said “where do I sign something against this what can I do to help”? He didn’t even know to be scared. Same with my cousin who is a urologist. Wtaf? He said nobody trusts the AMA or JAMA. I found one doc out of 25 who is an AMA member. Bc the employer pays for the membership. My husband didn’t even know if he’s a member or not but we use to get a free JAMA subscription which went in the trash unread.

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Coastal, as always, you offer a wealth of info about MDs from your work and experience on the ground. Thank you!

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100% agree!!!!

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I may sound like a broken record, but once again I send applause and appreciation to Unyielding Bicyclist for the terrific excavation of this trial, with thanks to Lisa, as always, for platforming it and also, this time, contributing directly. The pathetic state of that “expert” testimony put me in mind of what Maya Forstater and Helen Joyce said in an excellent Genspect panel I watched yesterday. O’Malley asked both of them what fueled them in their Sex Matters work. Forstater immediately said, “anger,” which Joyce promptly followed with “and humor.” Unyielding Bicyclist’s side commentaries display both of these in brilliant measure. Thank you so much for putting a spotlight on what happened in this trial.

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Thanks for the kind words!

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I second your appreciation! Thank you Unyielding Bicyclist for this great series and for the "real information" list of links, which makes for appalling and important reading. Very worth sharing. Thanks.

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Is the Unyielding Bicyclist Nina Paley?

My sister gave me the Nina Paley Gender Cards and they bring me endless joy. I highly recommend them as gifts I want to break them out when I’m playing poker with my teens...in fact I’m going to.

Here is the link...if you are a mother dealing with this, I guarantee these cards will bring you joy and laughter. Especially the Jack Turban & Marci Bowers looks like a crazy eyed butcher.



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If I were Nina Paley I would have a way prettier avatar!

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Awe! Well I guess I shouldn’t go into detective work! 🚲

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Nina Paley is also a brilliant animator, her movies are astounding works of art. She also was cancelled and censored very early on. Get an uplift from this and rock on! https://vimeo.com/253135841

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Love that! I was just writing to NARAL California, who dared to solicit my support for CA bills linking gender-affirming care to reproductive rights. How did I not include this video in my reply?!

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Or this one which tells all, the continued holocaust against girls and women... https://vimeo.com/user2983855

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I’m so addicted to the heterodorx podcast I love the dorx. They go together like the cheese and macaroni. They have the most interesting guests,

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Thank you for those links...what a talented woman I still don’t understand why she got “canceled”.

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Wow, and I second you on noting the links, which I’ve just started in on following. OMG, what a gold mine of information! The 2017PBS article on Lupron-Peds made me want to shout out to PBS to read what they themselves have written about this in the “before times.” As you said, it’s appalling.

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I haven’t read the défense expert witness testimonies are those available too? Maybe I’m misunderstanding the Brandt Files.

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Look at the ACLU web pages. They have lots of the testimonies. It appears that if two sworn witnesses claim opposite facts no one cares?? I don't see that fact checking is done. I don't understand law.

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Huge medical scandal she should be ashamed.

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I find circumcision barbaric, and don’t understand why there’s no outcry. There’s no reason to remove part of a man’s penis to “help keep it clean” - the same log can be applied to teeth and nails. Hideous.

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“Not every patient wants to orgasm”

This woman is deranged and incapable of empathy. I hope she and many other practitioners in this field end up in prison.

Also: “a little bit of weight gain”

People can look at trans activists in pride parades to see what she is euphemizing here. The intentional destruction in young people of the glowing beauty they all would otherwise possess just by virtue of being in their teens and twenties. Of course the stats show they are desperately unhappy.

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