Lisa, this updated guideline is really helpful and is an encouraging sign that there is at least a niche within the therapeutic community that has not lost its perspective in this emotion-laden area. For those of us in the pediatric community but outside psychology and endocrinology, the wisdom of this alternative approach is encouraging. Someone within pediatrics needs to show some leadership and appoint a committee to take a look at this area. The advocates have taken the ball and run with it. It is time for others, not necessarily "experts" to weigh in. As with COVID issues, those involved in virology and infectious disease may be too close to the scene and biased by that proximity,

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Dec 7, 2022
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The zealots do not care about grammar or articulation. It is the wild-eyed, science-blind, clearly partisan approach that should insult us more than style.

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Lisa, thanks for your work. I’m forwarding your interview with Zander Keig to my men’s group for a discussion topic.

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This is a great introduction to the guide, thank you for this great essay about it!

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Thank you for spreading the word about GETA guidelines.

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I know there are a lot of medical lobby groups in the US and a number of them put out care guidelines, but WPATH has taken it to another level--one that no one is allowed to question. I think they stepped into a void when their numbers were small, and between their fancy-sounding name change from the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, their "Standards of Care" wording, their backchannel promotion of the concept of gender identities, the English linguistic confusion between gender and sex, and the American medical and media establishments' lack of understanding or interest in high-quality quantitative research methodology, a lot of people have essentially been snookered. I hope the new GETA guidelines are a first step back towards therapeutic professionalism. Side note: WPATH has electrologists on their board?? American doctors are being guided by hair removal specialists??!

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This is excellent and I hope will be widely read. I want to note one thing, relating to the statement, with which I absolutely agree: “The idea that one must claim an LGBTQ identity to administer care to a child who may or may not end up being part of that population—that’s related to the larger cultural privileging of “lived experience” over research, objectivity, and expertise.” I am a gay woman. I do NOT have an LGBTQ identity, indeed, I urge all to understand that no such identity exists. My interests, in fact, are in opposition to all this accretion of initials and plus signs to the original intentions of the gay pride movement, which had to do with recognizing that same-sex attraction was within the range of normal, not a fetish or a kink. What has happened is the capture of a bona fide movement by gender identity extremists to such an extent that gay women are called transphobes when they say nothing more than they are looking for partners to love who are women, per the biological definition of the term.

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Hi, Lisa and all: Brad Hoylman has introduced in the NY State Senate what looks to be a misguided "Bill to protect access to gender-affirming care." https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2022/10/11/bill-to-protect-access-to-gender-affirming-care-being-considered-by-state-legislature If writing to NYS Senators and Assemblypeople, do you think the GETA guidelines would be useful to note. Also, it's really hard to come up with two or three pertinent sentences to get the key point across to them, so if anyone has a brief text they might suggest, it would be most welcome.

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Dec 7, 2022
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Your comment won't be deleted because I'm the only one moderating comments! I've only deleted one person's comments, because he threatened to report me for child abuse and said he knows where I live. It's good that you're informing people that the therapists haven't been vetted. Maybe that's a service they can someday provide.

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I totally agree with you on getting therapy or family counseling when our children are struggling. From a systems point of view, the unexamined wonkiness in a family needs to find an outlet. If the parents aren't attending to it, children can get caught up in it. The best thing I ever did when my daughter was in distress a few years ago was go take care of myself and address imbalances in my marriage with her dad. It was an investment that has paid off and continues to serve us.

PS I am sorry that you have been excluded for holding a different perspective, and I am glad that you are able to share your POV here.

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