Hello, peeps. Shannon Thrace, author of the excellent memoir 18 Months (excerpted here), about her autogynephilic husband’s transition and the dissolution of their marriage, will join me for a live chat at 12:30 EST today. I’ll interview her on the thread, and you can chime in with questions, or leave some here in the comments that you’d like me to ask. We’ll publish the chat here later. Link here.
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I'm so glad to know you are hosting Shannon Thrace. She's well-spoken and has a rare sense of self-knowledge. Her 18 Months explains a great deal about women going through the gradual detachment from a cross-dressing, over-the-top self-involved man. The neutral tone she takes about his flippant characterizations of what the female persona is reveal more tolerance than many of us trans widows. Brava to both of you. Ute Heggen
Can't seem to get in?!