A Transsexual, a Gay Man, and a Liberal Feminist Walk Into a School Board Meeting...
...And boy did they need a drink after!
Last night, I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Cori Cohn and Ben Appel at a subcommittee meeting of CEC D2—New York City’s version of a school board. The main CEC meetings have been disrupted by activists for months, who’ve hummed and bowed heads and turned backs in a show of religious fealty to their own ideas. Last night, there were only a few of them, and though they had a very hard time listening to, hearing, or understanding us, I saw a few of them try.
Please watch and share this video. Please help us get the message out that there’s more than one way to approach trans identification, gender identity, gender nonconformity. Please help us create an environment in which people can get all the information.
This morning, I sent this email to my kids’ principal, the parent coordinator, the PTA and the superintendent. I really hope that in 2025 we will see some progress on this issue.